Prelude to Thanksgiving. I photographed an extended family of 8 - TopicsExpress


Prelude to Thanksgiving. I photographed an extended family of 8 this afternoon. The mother and father were married 45 years but behaved like newlyweds. They were joking, laughing at each others jokes, and they could not keep their hands off each other. Their interactions were free from the criticism, judgment, sarcasm, impatience and resentment I am so used to seeing dominate most romantic relationships. I watched them in awe as they flirted and laughed. What a beautiful thing, these love birds. Their two children, one in her mid-30s and the other in his mid-40s, were there as was the son-in-law, girlfriend, and two grandchildren (a 12 year-old boy and a 14-year-old boy). They were such a zany bunch, full of silly, but the whole lot of them were so respectful and kind and loving toward the others. It was so so refreshing. Alison and I enjoyed every moment submersed in the middle of their love fest. I could tell quickly I could be myself in front of these guys and they welcomed my humor just as much as my photography services. Funny side note: when I arrived, I was expecting a totally different experience. The house was in a newer, nice but cookie-cutter neighborhood, everyone was dressed up in nearly cocktail attire and I really had them all pegged as stuffy and straight-laced. Within moments I could see I was very wrong. Anyhow, they totally took us in and for that time, I kinda felt like part of the family. And when it was time to go, I actually felt sad. I dropped down to my knees, wrapped my arms and legs around the fathers leg like a Koala Bear being separated from her mama and begged them to let me stay. I pleaded with them to let me be the extra sister. No not really >>> just checking whos still with me here. LOL But the thought did cross my mind to beg them to let me be a part of their family. :-) I love meeting families like this and today was no exception. But, it is always bittersweet. I feel so fortunate to have these brief encounters but it sure does make me wish I had a less fragmented family who all enjoyed each other and could be together with such ease. It is such a foreign concept to me. There is always tension, guilt, disappointment and resentment. I am not saying there arent smiles, love and laughter exchanged amongst my family members but rarely do we even get together with the handful left that will talk to each other and usually there is a lot of tension. We just arent a family that is at ease with each other, at least not like this family was today and I do long for that. The good take away is that I am fortunate to have friends in my life that I can choose to spend time with on special days, like Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I am genuinely really looking forward to spending time with Ingmar Slomic, Mark Wessel, Carla Rae Lyles Wessel, Brandee Menoher and Jill Brown plus a few more grown-ups and a handful of kids tomorrow for Thanksgiving. It will be a nice way to spend the holiday. Its been a really hard couple of weeks. I have experienced some dark emotions from deeply-rooted fears, confusion, betrayal, disappointment, sorrow, did I mention confusion and frustration and resentment. I have also had some moments of great triumph, peace and positivity, like today at this photo shoot and other times when I realize how incredibly awesome my friends are. I have been blessed with some very special friends who I know I can be completely vulnerable with, exposing my deepest, darkest emotions and fears, sometimes coupled with mental breakdown, yet they do nothing but embrace me, and remind me that A. I am never alone and B. this too shall pass. They love me through good times and bad, even when I cant seem to shake my hot mess status. Friends like mine are a true treasure and what more appropriate time to say thank you than Thanksgiving Eve. Sooooo, thank you to all who play a role in my sanity, those who teach me how to be a kind, confident, wise, loving human being and who keep bringing me back to center, to a place of perspective and who keep me grounded. Thank you to those I see just once in a while, to those that are on the front lines with me every day and to those that are just at the right place at the right time with the right words. Your words, hugs and encouragement are priceless to me. May you all have the happiest of Thanksgivings tomorrow. XOXO to you all.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:00:01 +0000

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