Pride Brings Your Fall The great king, Nebuchadnezzar of - TopicsExpress


Pride Brings Your Fall The great king, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had built an empire and pride had gone to his head. Nebuchadnezzar had even had the audacity to carry away the treasures of the temple in Jerusalem to Babylon and use the sacred cups for his own pleasure and entertaining his princes. But, when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory. Daniel 5:20 (NIV). God sent a finger writing on the wall and pronounced judgemnt on him: That same hour, the judgment was fulfilled, and Nebuchadnezzar was driven from human society. He ate grass like a cow, and he was drenched with the dew of heaven. He lived this way until his hair was as long as eagles feathers and his nails were like birds claws. Daniel 4:33 (NLT). Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor. Proverbs 18:12 (NIV). He has brought down rulers from their thrones, but has lifted up the humble. Luke 1:52 (NIV). For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Luke 14:11 (NLT). God hates pride in men: Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor. Proverbs 29:23 (NLT). Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor. James 4:10 (NLT). How many people have we seen in our lifetimes, who have exalted themselves into high positions; yet, they were brought down and we barely remember them anymore. Pride and haughtiness was first brought into existence by satan, when he wanted to take Gods place in the heavens. Jesus said: Yes, he told them, I saw satan fall from heaven like lightning! Luke 10:18 (NLT). Wisdoms instruction is to fear the LORD, and humility comes before honor. Proverbs 15:33 (NIV). So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God; and at the right time, He will lift you up in honor. 1 Peter 5:6 (NLT). Bob Akins Faith House Ministries Intl ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bob Akins Proclaiming Jesus Christ to the World Faith House Ministries International Apollo Beach Florida USA
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:35:29 +0000

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