Q: SO, IF YOURE OBAMA, HOW DO YOU PROLONG YOUR POSITION AS WORLD LEADER? A: No, hes not particularly smart --in fact, Obama is of barely average intelligence --but when did that ever matter? Money talks & bullshit walks! He has very rich and powerful friends, the kind that use people purchased through flattery and wealth. If you smell the One World Government here, you are accurate. They are FREEMASONRY and they are very close to achieving their long-sought vision of world domination. Last month, China surpassed the United States as the largest importer of crude oil in the world, and at the same time, the United States surpassed Saudi Arabia as the #1 producer of crude oil. As a Country, we do not want to depend on any overseas oil any longer. Domestic energy production is the key to our success as a country as well as our economy! Due to our recent oil boom, America has become a significant EXPORTER of both gasoline and diesel. The more oil and natural gas we produce, the more we can participate in the international markets and increase our economic strength and stability. WILL THIS SAVE THE DOLLAR? With everything that is going on in the world right now, our domestic increase in oil and natural gas will do nothing but help secure our position in the international market and as a world power, AND OBAMA IS FIGHTING IT TOOTH AND NAIL, CLOSING OIL-RICH LANDS TO ANY DEVELOPMENT AS QUICKLY AS THEY ARE DISCOVERED! How, you may ask, has our oil production soared in the face of Obama-government controls? --The backwoods oil industry in the hills of Kentucky, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, etc: Every piece of private land where oil exists is being drilled and pumped by ordinary Americans! In late 2012 the International Energy Agency predicted Iraq would more than double its oil production of three million barrels per day by 2020. Should we expect this to be good news for America? MORE PARTICULARLY, WILL OUR OWN GOVERNMENT ALLOW THE USA TO EVEN SURVIVE, LET ALONE THRIVE??? CHECK IT OUT: provedplusprobable/backyard/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:54:37 +0000

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