Q: What Makes America the greatest Country on Earth? May I - TopicsExpress


Q: What Makes America the greatest Country on Earth? May I pose a question that I might be so bold in answering, or at the very least interject my opinion? I have said many times over, “I live in the greatest county on Earth,” and trust me when I say this because we could go slap broke tomorrow and the “powers that be” could force us out of our homes and I would still say it. There is just something in my core belief that tells me it’s so. It may or may not be biblical but in my eyes Jesus is GOD and America is and always will be the greatest country on earth and that’s just how it is. So now that you know my extreme biasness on the issue let me answer this question. What makes America the greatest Country on Earth or should I say what’s so great about America? Well, not too long ago I was watching a show called The Newsroom where the star gave a very bitter answer to this question. The speaker disappointingly answered, “It’s not the greatest country in the world” and after a very colorful monolog on American statistics and explaining why America isn’t great he tells the audience “we sure used to be.” I’m sure Aaron Sorkin takes credit for that speech as he is the writer of that show, so my kudos to him and his writing. “We sure used to be,” I feel like that’s probably the answer a lot of Americans might give these days and why wouldn’t they? I’m told we have a Democrat in the White House who signed the single biggest piece of social legislation since President Lyndon B Johnson, a Republican before him that sent us to war to settle a family feud, and two political parties that are more hell bent on class warfare among the American people than they are anything else it appears. Yeah… there seems to be a lot to complain about within the states of the ole Red, White and blue, moreover what she even still stands for these days. I’ve heard a lot of those complaints and if you’re like me and watch the news we both could be here for days writing out a laundry list of things to find fault in. Heck my Dad used to say, “A complainer will always find something to complain about.” You know, that’s so true and I guess the only logical observation is America is currently filled with a lot of really good complainers. But let me not get side tracked here, because I have a question to answer not a peanut gallery to join. My friends, America is great because she’s more than just the sum total of all her equal parts. She is more than just a country, more than just her people, her politics or her past and future. America is an Idea! An idea that manages to mean something different to a lot of different people; one that has transcended her first settlers and her founding liberties and one that will surpass whatever president has, is now, or will ever sit in the White House. Yes I tell you, America is more than just presidents, lawmakers, soldiers, business owners and workers. America is an idea! She is an idea that her arms are a sanctuary for all her inhabitants, that her voice is one of sincerity and hope for those who will listen, that her heart beats the life blood of freedom for those that embody her, that her mind is sharp and rational so she may inspire her dwellers and that her spirit is a spirit of love and mercy that will have compassion on even the worst of us. Her land is populated with people from far and wide around the globe seeking a home of refuge and some form of salvation. Her laws are set in stone to provide us all equal protection from ourselves and from each other. And most of all her people… her people have the courage and conviction to stand resolute in their principles, be resilient in their duties and just in their actions. America is great because she’s an idea that stands defiantly for the common good of all her people. Truly America means so much too so many and as long as there are patriots that line her shores then my friends America will always be an idea of hope in a world of chaos and hopelessness. Why is America the greatest country on earth? Well… The simple answer is, she’s my home and there’s no place like home. To those that might read these words and dare to disagree, I’ll state this, I didn’t write this for your objection or correction. It’s all just my opinion man and my way of declaring HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!!! I hope everyone has a good and safe weekend!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:41:25 +0000

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