Question 3: Questioner: "Secondly should we the people warn - TopicsExpress


Question 3: Questioner: "Secondly should we the people warn against (a) the conference and (b) the dawah and Manhaj of GLM so that the affairs can be made clear?" Shaikh Waseeullaah Abbaas: "Whatever you do, do so with wisdom so long as it does not cause a great fitnah and evilness spreads and a full note should be made of the things which are being said at this conference and replied to at a later conference, this is necessary. I have even heard people attend GLM stage who say Ahlul Hadeeth have no fiqh. To their own people GLM say put a request in writing before you have a programme at the masjid and to outsiders such as these they allow to come, this is an issue of Gheerah and shamefulness. We request that you explain to them and without doubt these people are upon ERROR. The common people need to be clear on these issues and stay away and not do anything that will cause a fitnah. Use hikmah within to change these people and remove them from the masjid and we are going to request them to leave the masjid. We say to those people at [GLM] they are not worthy of running an Ahlul Hadeeth masjid or the fact may be that these poor ones maybe do not even know what the manhaj of Ahlul Hadeeth is either they have weak intellects or are being forced. They, whether it is Saeed or anyone else and inform them from me and without doubt this is what we will say that they are not worthy of spreading the dawah of Ahlul Hadeeth to the people because they mix the dawah of Ahlul Hadeeth with other methodologies." Audio here - kiwi6/file/f841s3c9lq Q & a shaikh waseeullaah q3 - Listen and download mp3 - Kiwi6 Mp3 Upload kiwi6
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 23:27:25 +0000

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