Question: Which is less immoral; human shields and bedroom missile - TopicsExpress


Question: Which is less immoral; human shields and bedroom missile sites or bombing hospitals harboring munitions? Answer: Neither: So how about getting down to the root of the matter; antisemitism and fundamentalism. If the Jews are to be allowed to have a country then, historically Israel fits the bill, but the world that has focused its animus on a single race of people over the course of history says No, give it back to the hard scrabble nomads to peck over...and the Jews....meh. So whats a Jew to do? As an American Jew witnessing the atrocities committed by both sides I am heart broken and befuddled. Maybe we Americans take too much for granted but its been a long time since the process of societal evolution here has spawned widespread violent protest and a very long time since any mass insurrection. Neither do we keep gas masks handy nor worry whether well be near enough to a bomb shelter while out on the town. Yet in the middle east these are daily occurrences. We are far from a utopian vision of human coexistence but were working on it, and for the most part, in a civil and productive way. (yeah...congress...) Yet we Americans are, if the collective actions of so many over the course of history can be internalized and personalized, are stinking hypocrites. I personally dont like overbearing, presumptuous, morally superior people but as a country we are that person. Still; while relegating our own history to the the past is the past and whats done is done column of the moral high ground ledger; we won the big war ( with some help) and we got to divide what was conquered. Besides we have nukes so everyone else can stfu. Israel is for the Jews. That was 1948. Then came 67, 72, and in between and afterwards and so on. The world cant seem to let the Jews live in peace in a country of their own. I wish the world had been as interested in doing something for the Rwandans, Albanians, Cambodians, Tibetans, South Africans, Syrians, et al who have, over the course of my lifetime, suffered grievously at the hands of oppressors, conquerors, fanatics, and despots as it seems to be in doing something for the Palestinians. The thing is that the world focuses its animus on the Jews. Never mind the enduring threat of annihilation faced by the only democracy in the middle east. Never mind the enduring simmering hatred against one peoples. Never mind the fact that Islamic fundamentalist fanatics spreading their retrograde ideology and iron rule throughout the region while perpetrating extreme acts of violence are a threat to western civilization. The poor Palestinians are being oppressed and the bad Jews must stop it. Whats a Jew to do; cross that line of war time propriety or accept oblivion? Tough choice... BTW, the demeanor of the antagonistic apparent Palestinian sympathizer became less aggressive with every answer given by the future statesman in the video clip.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 02:08:00 +0000

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