Question asked to Muhammad Alshareef: This question comes - TopicsExpress


Question asked to Muhammad Alshareef: This question comes about a story in one of the Islamic booklets where a righteous Muslim was quoted as not asking Allah for Dunya (and this in the booklet was seen as praiseworthy)... My answer: I find those booklets that give those type of stories are biased, they romanticize looking down on Dunya. They will bring up one historical Muslim -- but they wont spend time on the fact that Uthman was one of the wealthiest companions. They will speak so greatly of one historical Muslimf, but they wont spend any time on the fact that Khadijah was incredibly successful and wealthy, that Abu Bakrs wealth benefitted the Prophet the most. And on and on. We have a HUGE legacy of wealthy business entrepreneur minded Muslims -- but I dont know what it is that our authors have shunned this? Could it be because the authors and that culture of writers are not from the mega wealthy entrepreneur minded class of Muslims? So I think its a bias of our culture and our authors. And it does a disservice to students of deen who get the wrong impression that if they study deen they must aim low in Dunya (and thats what you find unfortunately). Look at Pakistan and many other Muslim countries, if someone studies Deen then the culture automatically assumes they are going to become a poor beggar. wAllahu alam.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:04:49 +0000

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