Quick Q&A: “ThatRoseGirl”. Part 4 Q. Are you confident about - TopicsExpress


Quick Q&A: “ThatRoseGirl”. Part 4 Q. Are you confident about the Talkshow and its success? A. I am confident because I know who I am, I can admit who I have been; what I’ve done and love myself for what I’ve become! A fully bloomed Rose! That’s the whole connection with identity and knowing your inner “bud”. I cannot speak about life experiences that I myself have not experienced – so YES! I am confident that the success will come from the relatability of real life experiences that I can confidently empathise with those to whom I will talk. Q. What has been the most challenging hurdle so far in putting together the concept? A. Inwardly: My own procrastination which came from wanting a “perfect way” of putting together the words that were already a very clear visual and dream in my head and heart for as far back as possible. When I started writing the concept 3 years ago, I struggled with articulating what it is that I wanted the outline of the show to be and how it would be different and unique from what’s already out there. That’s why its taken this long! (*Hides face!) Q. So what changed? Did you get help from others in putting it together? A. I’d say what changed the most was the acceptance that I had to take small single steps at a time, start with where I am and with what I have. The notion of wanting to make sure I had all the different aspects perfected before going live slowly faded when I realised nothing is ever perfect when starting out. The delays of hoping that I would have all my dots on the “i’s” and cross out the “t’s” before coming out with it. Well there you go…it’s out there now…I’m a perfectionist and control freak! Lol! The second part of the question of having help from others…that’s inevitable. I am just the face and voice that came up with the vision…there always has to be a team around you with brilliance and expertise in their own areas that actually help put it together. Hosting a talkshow brings together so many facets like Scriptwriter; Directors; Producers; Wardrobe; Set Design….and much more. I can say I had approached many people I know; who I knew were in these spheres for help…well lets just say it was an interesting experience. Q. Are you saying people aren’t helpful? A. I’m saying it’s difficult to get people to help if 1. They don’t believe in the very difficult, time consuming, unborn and then infant stages of your vision; especially if they perceive that the resources are not readily there or 2. You aren’t able to offer them immediate return on the investments. (What’s in it for me syndrome!) Not many take a chance or a leap of faith with you; people prefer to see an up and running outfit and then want association with the success!! But we forget that everything and everyone starts from somewhere…even the most celebrated “famous” people we are so often compared to! I believe sometimes when we have something that another can use, even if I don’t get something out of it then…at least I can push someone along on get there and my reward will come from empowering someone else… Having said that, there are a few individuals who have believed, invested their time and intellect, worked the concept with me, stood with me, cheered me on, provoked and dared me into it! People who came in with referrals and networks to get this going and those people will walk with me right to the finish line. (They will be revealed at the right time!) To those special people, my heartfelt THANK YOU.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:53:36 +0000

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