Quote: I won’t waste my time telling you that your amnesty - TopicsExpress


Quote: I won’t waste my time telling you that your amnesty initiative is a slap in the face to all legal immigrants who followed the process and waited in line. I know you don’t care. 2nd Quote:And I absolutely won’t respond to the Bible quotes from your speech by throwing verses at you that explicitly denounce breaking the law and lying, which you did last night, yesterday, and every day before that. 3rd Quote: You see, Congress is elected by the people to represent our interests. Congress didn’t, couldn’t, and wouldn’t pass amnesty because the people don’t want it. It’s our nation, Sultan. Congress gets a say because we get a say. That’s the whole crux of this ‘free country’ thing. You have taken that from us, and ‘us’ involves your daughters, my Ruler. Wow. Part of my childhood was raised in 3rd world countries. I have heard Barack Hussein Obama since the late 1960s. This is not new to me. It is also not a new thing to me to see opportunists who will do anything to get a lot for very very very little - yes, groups that are supposedly latino advocates, but are not. In a society where there is fair play, there is no need for any advocacy groups like the latino ones, nor are caucuses. That is what is full in 3rd world nations. I know. I know what it is to handshake and acquaint myself with the presidente and even entertain presidential functions to only find out later how much blood was spilled by their hand unbeknownst to so many. Blood in BHO you say? At least 4 at Benghazi. At least, and that we know of. I was placed in a position of not being welcomed where I was born and partly raised, it hurt, it took all of the posessions that I had in my name. The USA and Americans took me in, legally, joyfully, with expectations. As a citizen of the USA of latino roots, it is an afront to me how the president has imported that which is common practice in 3rd world nations: Corruption, double faced masks, condenscention, mocking scripture by using it as leverage twisting it to personal convenience and expedience. I do know this: The decision was not made out of compassion, it was not made for the collective good, it was not made to preserve-protect-defend the constitution of the USA. It was made for political reasons alone. BHO, my latino neighbor, does not care for you nor yours and all he wants is your vote, regardless of how he belittles you, despises you, and mocks you. Plain and simple. But there is hope :-) Americans know to do what is right, which it is confusing to me how the voters refused to see BHO for what he is: Uncaring and selfish. We as Americans know what is right, and we will do it. Latinos today are saying yeay, go! yes! As long as they get something they are happy. Get something. Integrity demands abiding by the law of the land. I personally have worked with sooooo many latinos who came through the door, took their turn on the line, became residents, worked until retired to go back home or are still working for decades still not wanting to be American citizen, while others have applied for citizenship. Do you know out of the 100+ latino workers that I have known for the last 34 years were refused residence and/or citizenship? 0. That is correct, zero! I have been with these hundreds, working next to them, with them, helping them also, wonderfull and joyfull human beings!!!! Instead, today, citizenship, residency, work permits have been cheapened. Anywhere where the law is randomly applied, where there is a choice to apply or ignore the law, or where the law is just a code that no one really knows if it will be in effect is where there is suffering, pain, injustice, fear, violence, theft at all levels, and lack of public safety. Just ask any of the illegal immigrants. Well, today Barack Hussein Obama has just adopted executive rule that disregards what any law of any land is and applying his sense of what is right. I do not share what this white house has done concerning foreing policies, with the fostering of dividing the American people along racial cards, with fostering arms dealing with cartels, with the disregard and trashing the military as he has, and finally, with the ultimate lie by using scripture which he does not believe nor live by - just like Chavez, Castro, Somoza, Arellano, Melgar Castro, Paz, Zelaya, Ortega. That is nothing to celebrate. Doing what is right is what is needed, not this corrupt leadership who sells out to the cheapest bidder for their own good. That is exactly what has happened today.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:32:50 +0000

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