RAILA, REMEMBER OKONKWO The brightest of ladies knows the best - TopicsExpress


RAILA, REMEMBER OKONKWO The brightest of ladies knows the best of times to get married and retire from public glares and ogles. It is always at a time when she, and the society of course, feel that they are at the climax of their beauty –a time when the brutal hand of time is likely to bring them nothing else but the ugly sag of age. If they do not and, because time is the scene upon which everyone of us dances and dies, that same time will kill and consume them as it did to Socrates, Awonoor and Jesus. This is the reason Pep Guardiola left FC Barcelona when it was at its ripest, he knew they could no longer go higher than that. Approaching what the literati call “The Falling Action” is macabre and fatal, only seasoned sons of fate and fools dare that cauldron. You better exit the stage when you are consumed in glory, beauty and praise. As it were, there comes a time when the chief cast leaves the stage, at times to return and in most cases to disappear. As it is with true heroes and villains, their intense role on stage rarely permits them to leave for a while, they completely abandon the stage. If I were Raila Odinga, I would readily have discerned that I have come to my political apex and nothing else but a dangerous fall by gravity towards irrelevance awaits me, especially if I dared stare into the political scene any longer. Raila Odinga will lose again if he was to contest in another election. You think I am faulted at sight but you better consider the situations that have punctuated our political history this far. He entered the last election a principal, a Prime Minister yet lost bitterly due to the agony of being on the left of left of the state apparatus and an acute deficiency in stratagem. In 2017 if he did, he will come into the race an ordinary mwananchi who has forgotten the most topical antics of a mere ward representative. Okonkwo in Achebe’s evergreen “Things Fall Apart” could not wait for fools to dishonourably behead him for having slain their accomplice. He chose to take his own life by suicide. Isn’t it heavenly that Jakom takes a honourable leave from the political podium lest toddlers like the ones we have in parliament slaughter him with hands defiled of unknown rot? There comes a time when the chief cast leaves the stage, at times to return and in most cases to disappear. Due to their intense role on stage however, protagonists rarely leave for a while, they in most cases completely abandon the stage. In addition, the mind of mankind is adorned with a precious short-lived appetite. It cannot concentrate over the same thing for long. Unless Raila discovers this, he is likely to become continuously redundant and irrelevant until we are tempted to forget the pearls he has ever stood for. That is the only way to dodge the feeling that is hanging and ringing in most Kenyan minds that, Raila is a perpetual nag who will complain at anything including an instance where Gor Mahia fails to realize its trademark “Giniwasekao.” I am of the feeling that it is time Agwambo unveils to us somebody he has prepared to take after him in his big and heavy political boots -perhaps somebody from outside the Kalenjin, Luo and Kikuyu families. It must definitely be a person of unknown psychological and financial stamina in order to at times throw coins to whoever will top the Kenyan Premier League at that time and match the swag that Baba has had. Is there anything as glorious as handing over the baton to somebody younger and more energetic then you? It shows a spirit of trust in others and what you believe to have prepared for long. I would want honourable Odinga to pave way for youthful leaders of youthful thoughts and age. I do not mean the shortsighted fools who ride on nothing but the numbers of their tribes, I mean those who are ready to unite the country and harkens to the tears and concerns of the suffering masses. Leaders who will not go round boasting of their Tyrannical Numbers but rather mourn at the scarcity of people who can shed tears due to our bleeding unity enshrined in the beautiful conscience and constitution of Kenya. That way, Baba would have immortalized his name in our hearts and not on currency notes and dusty aging monuments built by corrupt tribalists. You will have proven to us that Kenya is bigger than the deep-seated animosity and hunger for power between your two tribes. You will have eternally told us that there are other Kenyans, from tribes smaller than mine but never lacking in national consciousness and respect. I have spoken as from The Lord, he who has ears let him heed advice and escape stupendous peril that waits at the corner.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 13:43:49 +0000

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