(RANT) If youre going to come up to me while Im on the court - TopicsExpress


(RANT) If youre going to come up to me while Im on the court playing tennis and tell me the organization I work for is uncaring and never listens, heres a couple easy tips for you: 1) Pick a better time to lodge your complaint than when Im on the court. This is my fun time and Im here to play tennis. I will listen to you, of course, because I love to talk about tennis at all times and am genuinely concerned...but just remember where we are. 2) Screaming at me will not boost your argument, or ever make me come around to your line of thinking. 3) Arguing that you and others would actually rather play your most important matches of the year in potentially 120 degree daytime Phoenix temperatures instead of early in the morning... is probably not the most sane track to take to defend your argument. 3) Understand that event planning and decision-making, almost exclusively, is taking into account the greater good and the majority....not just your selfish whims. 4) Dont be the biggest, loudest, most consistent complainer Ive ever met in my entire life, then counter that by saying, I never complain about anything. Because, even one of these will probably invalidate your argument to me, but all of them at once most definitely will. I, and many of our USTA volunteers and staff give up countless thousands of hours of our lives and weekends so you and your buds can simply show up, have fun and play tennis. You know, I actually seriously love doing that, and, honestly want everyone to be happy playing tennis. Yes, our decisions probably arent always perfect. I get that. But, if all you have to offer me or this game is your clearly biased opinion, then you really need to take your complaint elsewhere, because I cant argue with that. No one can.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:14:26 +0000

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