RELEASING SADNESS WITH WILD ABANDON Darling one, has sadness - TopicsExpress


RELEASING SADNESS WITH WILD ABANDON Darling one, has sadness fallen upon you, like a shroud? Does it weigh heavy upon your shoulders, bringing you down? Does it haunt you with a vague sense of unease, tainting everything you think, feel and wish to do? Yes? Then shake it off! Look what the goddess does when she is sad: she takes up a tambourine, made of taut skin and rimmed with castanets of brass, and she begins to dance. The sound of flutes blares out wildly, reaching even to the depths of the underworld, so loud, so clamorous is it. Look what the goddess does when she is sad: she finds the wildness in herself, and as she does she finds that there is joy there too. ~ Greek dramatist Euripides Call upon the Goddess Cybele, the Anatolian Mother Goddess. She will empower you with victory over anything that tries to crush your spirit or dampen your passion for life. Take up Her sacred instrument, the tambourine (an ancient frame drum with sistrum-like jingles) and bang it loudly against your thigh, against the palm of your hand... Lift it high above your heart and shake it! Its powers for dispelling and driving away negative energies are well noted. Shake it, and feel its protective energy surround you. Shake it, and allow it to purify the space in which you reside. Dance wildly, and shake your tambourine! Within minutes, if not instantly, you will feel the energy shift. Move with it. Dance with it. Let it dissolve all sadness, worries and stress. Call upon Cybele and celebrate Her essence within you! “Eat of my deep earth, drink of my living streams, for I am your Mother. Your heart is my wild drum, your breath my eternal song. If you would live, dance with me!” — Cybele’s Secret by Juliet Marillier (pg 362) Lovingly, The Gypsy Priestess art credit: The Tambourine Girl ~by John William Goodard photo credit: Goddess with Tambourine Late Bronze II 1450-1200 BCE terracotta
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 19:50:35 +0000

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