REMEMBERING: 70 YEARS liberated the Auschwitz death - TopicsExpress


REMEMBERING: 70 YEARS liberated the Auschwitz death camp International memorial service will be held today in Poland the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, the release of the 70th anniversary. Featured - Hírfarkas Abroad | Source: MTI, ATV | Posted: Clockwork Orange | 27 January 2015 | No Comments central event to be held in the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp, Arbeit macht frei gate labeled (The work makes you free), representatives of 42 states, including German, French and Francois Petro Porosenko Ukrainian President Joachim Gauck Hollande carried tribute to the memory of the victims. For Hungary - President of the Republic, by John Ader - Zoltan Balog, Minister of Human Resources to participate in the commemoration. The large Hungarian delegation to the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary (MAZSIHISZ) and the March of the Living Foundation organized form the initial group. Will be about a hundred survivors among the participants of the commemoration, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, accompanied by. Who is Steven Spielberg, the Oscar-winning film Schindlers List director as well. Days before the event, the Russian Foreign Ministry said President Vladimir Putin is not taking part in the commemoration, not received a personal invitation. The organizers - the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and the International Auschwitz Council - stressed in this connection that no country has sent an invitation to name that you chose for each state delegation composition. Nazi Germany in 1940, was originally built by the Auschwitz (Oswiecim) concentration camp for Polish prisoners. The neighboring Birkenau (Brzezinka) camp was set up two years later, running in occupied Poland many other camp is the destruction of the Jews became the main venue. The camp on January 27, 1945, the Red Army soldiers in front in Ukraine I was released, the 296 Soviet soldiers killed in battles. The camp and the altáborokban about 7500, utterly debilitated prisoners, most of them women and children, were found. It is a day on 1 November 2005 the International Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust victims declared the UN General Assembly. Tolerance Act wanting to European Jewish leaders European Jewish leaders are lobbying for a pan-European law that would occur against anti-Semitism, but including the ban on forced marriage, mutilation and denial of the Holocaust in the female genital organs. The Hungarian government has reportedly brushed aside the initiative. Four prominent constitutional experts supported by the European Council, a committee, called the tolerance and reconciliation (ECTRON), an international body spent three years in the 12-page Tolerance in drafting and consultation document about the quasi bill. The document has been completed and the body is now lobbying to be based on the work of a single law against anti-Semitism in the 28 EU countries. The motion in addition to anti-Semitism as a crime committed define a number of religious, cultural, ethnic and gender-based fund illegal activities. Already there, including the burqa ban female genital mutilation, forced marriages, polygamy, the Holocaust - and usually the genocide - denial and xenophobia in the prohibition. The list is being added to a new crime of defamation of groups, but the offense to be declared ethnic, cultural and religious groups also public denigration. The bill extends the rights of women and gays as well - reported in the British newspaper The Guardian. Tags: Auschwitz commemoration
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:58:22 +0000

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