RESOLVING COMFORT EATING: Just recently I was having a talk with - TopicsExpress


RESOLVING COMFORT EATING: Just recently I was having a talk with an old friend who claims to have no connection or interest in what I was promoting, that is I am helping people to resolve any comfort or emotional eating issues. He did not recognize that he had any. He was just fine and not interested in the subject. Fine that’s ok by me. But as we talked further I noticed a few of his reactions to his surroundings and without his knowing dug just a little further under the surface. Then with his permission we did a few questions and answers and revealed a personality type that he could typically link to how he related to most things in his life and not just what and how he ate. Typically how you are with one thing you are with everything so this is very revealing. The next question totally floored him… “How is that working for you on a financial level?”. OH he answered “I can spend so much just on food its scaring me how quickly I can get short of money, I could spend hours just pouring over the all delicious foods in the markets and want to taste all the different flavors. I want to buy everything”….AH HA. We have lift off. When I noticed how he always picks music that fills him and brings him within moments to tears, with the notes in the singers voice, I saw and felt deeply that he was a very sensual being. But what is so common is that he was not being or feeling fulfilled on a deeper level, so food had become his quick fix. Seeking relationships to fulfill the touch and physical elements he craved, waiting for someone else to fulfill him. Together we came up with a few ideas that he could do for himself to enjoy the sensual aspects of life for himself, engaging in and being mindful of all the vital senses and being fully engaged. Curios about your personality? Intrigued? Ready to resolve your destructive Comfort Eating habits and all the burdens they bring along? Contact me. Fiona Robertson I am offering a 6 week discovery program to resolve comfort eating habits and have a new awareness of your body wisdom. Start to feel empowered in every decision you make starting today....
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:13:53 +0000

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