RIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has predicted a resounding victory - TopicsExpress


RIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has predicted a resounding victory for the MDC in the coming elections and has urged people to vote en-mass so that there is real change in Zimbabwe. He said this while addressing thousands of party members in Umzingwane in Matabeleland South today. Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai He urged the MDC members to campaign for the party in the next elections and not for particular individuals. The gathering was part of the meetings that saw him visiting Matabeleland North province last week. “The coming MDC government will see the creation of a million jobs over the next five years,” the Tsvangirai said. “The past 13 years have seen Zimbabwe being isolated by the international community due to the disregard of the rule of law. So we need to restore our dignity and join the global family of nations which will see the country creating more international relations in order to attract foreign direct investment,” he said. On the Gukurahundi issue in which thousands of people from the Matabeleland region were murdered by the Zanu PF regime in the 1980s, President Tsvangirai said the region needed a healing platform not retrogression and he promised the people that were affected by genocide that the next MDC government will compensate them. Turning to corruption, Tsvangirai said the next government will not tolerate any form of corruption and an anti-corruption commission will be set up that has arresting powers so that it is more effective. Yesterday, Tsvangirai held similar meeting with the party structures in Plumtree where he raised the same issues before meeting the business community in the Plumtree border town. On Saturday, Tsvangirai will travel to Beitbridge where he will wind up his Matabeleland South tour by meeting with the party structures, the business community, church and traditional leaders. For four days, over twenty thousand party supporters of people in Matebeleland North got the opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai who is on a tour all over the country to ascertain the preparedness of people for a new Zimbabwe. Tsvangirai spoke one on one with people, allowing for debate over critical issues to be addressed under the MDC government. He declared the impending MDC victory saying Zanu PF had done nothing to offer something to the people of this country. He said the MDC is the only party with a clear roadmap for the resuscitation of the economy and the improvement of people’s lives. Tsvangirai spoke strongly on rural transformation saying poverty alleviation in communities hinged on new agrarian reforms such as Drip irrigation. “The land reform programme was as chaotic as evidenced by the massive imports of maize from Zambia that the government is undertaking at the moment. There is no reason for people to be hungry. The MDC intends therefore to roll out pivotal agrarian mechanisation reforms which include drip irrigation in the whole country. We intend to ensure that the MDC government introduces a drip irrigation project in every ward in the country, he said. He said the government will set aside 10% of the national budget for drip irrigation and agrarian reforms to ensure that there is maximum productivity on the land resource. “Getting things for free from government takes away freedom from the people. The MDC will ensure that everyone survives through own skills. As next government, if we do not uplift our rural areas there will not be any significant development. In our own plans government must set 10% of government resources to rural development’ Tsvangirai said. He bemoaned Zanu PF ‘s chaotic land grabbing and said it is not the amount of land that matters but how one can produce from the land. “Within five years we should transform our country. This is the legacy that I want to leave in this country,” Tsvangirai said. On elections the the Prime Minister said the MDC is ready to conduct elections anytime. He said reforms in the electoral sector, security sector and the media have to be implemented to pave way for a credible, fair and democratic election. President Tsvangirai met people in Lupane North and South who raised concerns over lack of development in the area. The people said they were facing acute water shortages which forced them to rely on digging the river bed for the resource. People said schools were few and far between and children walked long distances to access education. “Our school is 8km away. A grade zero pupil has to walk 16km to and from school. In a week how many kilometres does the child have to walk?” He said the MDC is the only party which has united Zimbabweans saying the call for change is genuinely premised on the need for improvement in people’s lives. He urged people to register to vote and implored them to continue to check their names as Zanu PF rigging tactics had escalated. Tsvangirai said the vote will determine the change and aspirations of all Zimbabweans. During his tour, Tsvangirai denounced corruption within the country. He said the party has Zero tolerance towards corruption in whatever form and manifestation. He said the MDC government will clean up corruption and ensure that all people enjoy from the resources in the country. “Let me won all MDC candidates and the party as a whole that we do not tolerate corrupt activities. The party will deal decisively with elements bent on derailing our path to bring a transparent, caring, development oriented economy.” He castigated unmitigated looting of diamonds in the county saying, this national resource has failed to benefit the majority due to sanctioned looting by Zanu PF members. “How does someone who recently walked on foot overnight own a bank? From Bulawayo to Victoria Falls I understand Obert Mpofu owns the bulk of properties and business. You then ask yourself how one can accumulate so much wealth,” President Tsvangirai said. The Prime Minister met over two thousand people in Tsholotsho North where he said Jonathan Moyo was now history in the constituency owing to his failure to address people’s challenges as he spends most of his time at his farm in Mazowe. He said people in Tsholotsho North will never be orphans again as they are set to reverse their vote which Jonathan Moyo stole and sold to Zanu PF. Vice President Thokozani Khupe thanked people in Matabeleland for sticking to the party during difficult times brought by Zanu PF corrupt leadership. VP Khupe said the people’s resilience will pay off and the country will be back to normal under the MDC government. Tsvangirai wound up his tour of Matebeleland North in Nkayi South on Sunday where he met key stakeholders in the province. Tsvangirai was accompanied by MDC Vice President Thokozani Khupe, The National Organising Seceretary Mr Abednigo Bhebhe and the Chairperson of the Women’s Assembly Theresa Makone.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 08:28:02 +0000

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