RISE UP TO YOUR STRENGTH By Oaitse J. Bolotsang Friday, 31 - TopicsExpress


RISE UP TO YOUR STRENGTH By Oaitse J. Bolotsang Friday, 31 October 2014, 12:55PM “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night” (Revelation 12:10). When we take a closer look at our lives we get to understand that we have been going through periods when we needed to be strong either for ourselves, for our kids, for our spouses, for our families or any one whom we love, but we could not because of the pains, the afflictions and hardships we were going through then or now. All we needed was that strength to be able to withstand the storms, the frustrations, the disappointments we found ourselves in. But what is this “Strength” all about? The revelation I have states that Strength is the capacity to resist force or pressure,-when we talk resistance we mean the ability to withstand the condition at hand without distortion or destruction. Our capacity to withstand against various forces and pressures we come across in our day to day lives is breathed upon us by our creator, God. God is the source of our strength (Exodus 15:2, Philippians 4:13). Having your source of strength as God is like having the greatest “body guard” behind you always. The moment we realize our inability to withstand the pressures of life we should immediately appreciate how vulnerable we are to destruction or distortion. When King Saul realized that he has suffered more injuries from the war, he had no hope in living and ordered his servant to finish him up. All that Saul lacked was the strength- he lacked that capacity to resist the pressures of possible defeat- that is why he ended up killing himself. I want to turn to you this day brethren in the midst of the fights you are in, in the midst of the affliction you are in- have you thought that you were heading for any possible defeat? Have you lost hope that you cannot withstand the pressures of the battles any longer? I want to assure you that your living through those heart breaking situations, through those afflictions is not by mistake but it is because your strength is upon renewal- all you have to do is to wait upon the Lord. The book of Isaiah 40:31 tells us that “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”. The Lord of strength avails or renews it to those that loves and wait upon Him. For when they wait in Him it is not just waiting but it is waiting in faith (1 Corinthians 16:13) that indeed God will do something. For such kind of people are the ones that Paul in Romans 8:28 talks about; they that all things shall work good for them because they love God, because the love they have for their Master is the love that has been tested and found to be worthy of trust, it is the love that has been so given according to the pattern of their calling (Hebrews 3:1), which is the pattern of strength (Joshua 1:9)! Oh Jesus! I don’t know what pressures or forces you are going through at this moment, I don’t how squeezed or twisted you feel at this time because of what you are going through, but all I can say is God is up to renewing your strength at this hour. God is saying you shall rise up to your strength; you shall stand straight again and focus for your journey is still on. For your destination is not dictated by your current condition, your destination is not of this earthly dwelling of suffering but it is a heavenly one that has not been built with hands (2 Corinthians 5:1-2). God our redeemer, our source of strength, the same God who gave David strength when he found out that his people, his wives and children were kidnapped until he was able to pursue the enemy and recovered all that was taken away (1 Samuel 30:5-6) shall show up in your fall and strengthen you again. Declaration upon your life I prophesy upon your life that you shall rise up; you shall be clothed with God’s strength and power in the midst of those afflictions, in the midst of those failures, in the midst of your fainting! I speak the blood of Jesus upon your situation now; i speak the resurrection power that resurrected Lazarus, which resurrected Jesus Christ to fall upon you now in the Mighty name of Jesus! You shall rise up to your strength and maintain your race, you shall run and not faint, you shall walk and not be weary. You shall excel in all your endeavors be it business, be it scholarships, be in family, be it finances, be it farming, be it work. I declare and decree that every afflictions, every form of force or pressure that has been exalted in your life shall bow down now in the Mighty name of Jesus! You shall rise clothed in your new strength like David, like Naaman and be restored in Jesus name! Thank you Jesus for raising your own people to your own strength, touch them oh God, deliver them heavenly Father, clothe them Master with your strength, In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 10:52:50 +0000

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