Recently, Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell wrote a well researched article - TopicsExpress


Recently, Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell wrote a well researched article on the AiG website to let people know the truth about a particular fossil that evolutionists continue to push as a supposed transitional form. They have been using this fossil (Tiktaalik) for years now--but careful research shows clearly it is not a transitional form. Because it belongs to the group of lobe finned fishes (like Coelacanth /lung fish), and is only found as a fossil, the secularists force their evolutionary worldview onto this fossil in their desperate need to try to convince the world they have found a transitional form (when in reality such transitional forms should be abundant both fossilized and living). They claim that Tiktaalik is the link between fish and “terrestrial tetrapods”—four legged animals that walk on land. Tiktaalik’s discoverer Neil Shubin even calls his big fish a “fishapod” to emphasize his belief that it is a transitional form. (Most people hearing about Tiktaalik even think it had limbs, but it didn’t—it just had fins, like fish do. Having a special kind of fins with bones in them—as lobe-finned fish do—did not mean they were legs or limbs.) Tikaalik is again being popularized through the new PBS series Your Inner Fish. its really a desperate con job on the part of evolutionists who cant defend their evolutionary fictional story. Ive noticed secular websites applauding this new PBS program, as they usually do, when they think they are able to publicize one supposed piece of evidence for their anti-God religion. Now Answers in Genesis has had articles on this fossil before (most recently one concerning Shubin’s latest discoveries about the rear fins on this fish )--and we now have the new article written by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell. All this talk about Tiktaalik is also a reminder that the battle is not ultimately about evidence--Liz Mitchell and the evolutionists are looking at the same fossil. Its not the fossil thats different--its the worldview one has (and the starting point it is built from--Gods Word or mans word) the determines how one interprets this fossil in regard to the past. But looking at the fossil, one can see it wont directly fit into an evolutionary worldview--but it does fit directly into a worldview based on the Bible, as it is a particular type of fish for which we have similar types of living examples (e.g. Coelacanth ). Using outdated (and by and large discarded ideas like embryonic recapitulation,) the narrator of this PBS series does his best in clutching at straws in trying to indoctrinate the public that he has a transitional form and that his transitional fish is the ancient ancestor of humans. Are you going to believe that you are a “just a jury-rigged fish” as Shubin claims on the program or that you are a special creation made in the image of the Creator God? I urge you to read the article written by Elizabeth Mitchell Here are two articles I encourage you to read about starting points—the second one explains the Starting Points room in the Creation Museum: AiG and the Creation Museum are teaching people how to think correctly about science, origins and how to correctly interpret evidence. Such teaching is missing from much of the secular world that continues to force their anti-God worldview on people and brainwashing them not to think correctly about evidence and science.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 14:36:08 +0000

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