What You Miss When You Dont Forgive - Sharon - TopicsExpress


What You Miss When You Dont Forgive - Sharon Jaynes Unforgiveness is drinking a poison and waiting for the other person to die. Forgiveness is setting the prisoner free and realizing the prisoner was you. Once there was a little boy who had his hand caught in a valuable vase. After many failed attempts to get it free, his father decided the only solution was to smash the vase. But before the hammer came down upon the delicate porcelain, his father said, “Son, let’s try one more time. Open your hand inside the vase, and then bring your fingertips together. Now, try and slide your hand out of the opening.” Then the boy looked up at his dad and replied, “I can’t, Daddy. If I do that, I’ll drop my penny.” How many times do we miss out on God’s abundant blessings because we hold onto the pennies? Resentment. Anger. Bitterness. Entitlement. Unforgiveness. Pennies all. Are you clinging to unforgiveness with a tightly clenched fist that says, “By golly I am not going to forgive that person who hurt me!”? “She/He doesn’t deserve it!” I am struck with the words of Paul to the Colossians: “Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Forgiveness is not for the benefit of the person who hurt you. It is for the benefit of the one doing the forgiving. I don’t want you to miss out on a single one of God’s blessings. Let go of unforgiveness. Grab hold of grace. Be free. Will you join me?
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:33:29 +0000

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