Reflections for the Solemnity of the Lords Nativity celebrated on - TopicsExpress


Reflections for the Solemnity of the Lords Nativity celebrated on Christmas Day, by Saint Josemaría Escrivá De Balaguer (1902-1975) Jesus was born in a cave used as a stable for animals because there was no room for them in the inns. Jesus is still looking for shelter where to be born, and asks to be born in your heart today. As we contemplate the stable in Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph and the child Jesus occupy a special place in our hearts. My dear little friend, like those shepherds, let us too hurry and go to the stable in Bethlehem, where there is our God, Jesus Christ, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Cold. Poverty. I am Josephs little servant. How good Joseph is! He treats me like a father. He even forgives me if I take the Child in my arms and spend hour after hour saying sweet and loving things to Him! And I kiss the Infant Jesus, I rock Him in my arms, and I sing to Him, and I call Him King, Love, my God, my Only-one, my All! How beautiful is the Child Jesus! You too must look at the Divine Child in the manger. He is our Love! Rock Him in your arms, say warm and tender things to Him, press Him close to your heart, kiss Him too! I am not talking childish nonsense, I am speaking of love! And love is shown with deeds. In the intimacy of your soul, you can indeed hug Him tight. Marvel at Gods magnanimity: He has become Man to redeem us, so that you and I - who are absolutely worthless, admit it! - may come to know Him and trust Him. We should let Jesus know that we too are little children, fully dependent on Him. What a lot of effort it takes tiny children to go up one step! Crawling on their hands and knees, and putting their whole body into it, they succeed to go up one step. Then they start again to go up another step. What an effort! There are only a few more steps to go now in order to reach the top. But then the toddler stumbles, and whoops! Down he goes. With bumps all over and in floods of tears, the poor child sets out and begins to try again. We are just like that. Jesus, when I am all on my own, please take me up in Your loving arms, like a big and good Friend of the simple child. Do not leave me until I have reached the top. And then, oh then, I will know how to correspond to Your Merciful Love, with the daring of young children, telling You, sweet Lord, that after Mary and Joseph, there never has been nor will there ever be a mortal soul really crazy who loves You as much as I love You.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:05:04 +0000

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