Reflections on the week.... Twice this week i went to the - TopicsExpress


Reflections on the week.... Twice this week i went to the police station with women who were beat up by men. Twice this week the Detroit police looked at us like we were not there. There are children all around when this happens. It is out of control, especially because unemployment is at an all time high and there is no mercy on us. Water shut offs, cutting of cash assistance, there is absolute poverty and misery like never before in this rich mans empire called Michigan. Detroit is rich and poor, and few in between. I never reflected on this as i should have: What is the effect on children when they see their mothers getting beaten by men? Babies are traumatized already by the time they can begin to develop, Nothing is being done to address these conditions. Instead, children fail in school and our schools are taken over by financial predators. Walking and door knocking has been a somber experience. Much of the time, I run into people i know in the neighborhoods and get reacquainted with people from long ago. There is a lot of suffering due to poverty. No one makes enough money to survive, pay utilities and rent and food. Everyone is living close to the edge. More people work two or three jobs just to make ends meet and children are left on their own because there is so little for them to do while parents work like dogs. I look forward to getting rid of the corporate fascists in charge of Detroit and Michigan. Inequality and brutality go hand in hand. Silence of those who watch and wait for the bankruptcy judge to give them permission to take from the pensioners what they have not taken from everyone else. We did not do this to ourselves. but only we can change it.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 01:27:50 +0000

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