Regarding my post yesterday I heard from several privately that it - TopicsExpress


Regarding my post yesterday I heard from several privately that it was purely political. So, let me set the record straight: American national security is not a political issue; supporting a well-established sponsor of terrorism across the world (Iran) is not a political issue. Indeed, these are practical issues that require all of us to set aside ideology and focus on the ramifications of the Administrations deal. In short, Iran will be permitted to continue to advance its enrichment program - allegedly for peaceful purposes. The Supreme Leader will see substantial relief in sanctions to the tune of $7B. This policy is nothing short of a unilateral withdrawal driven by liberal ideology - recall Neville Chamberlain in 1938 who expounded on the peaceful intentions of Herr Hitler. Weeks later the blitzkrieg invasion of Poland began as did WWII. It is rank naïveté to believe the central protagonist of instability in the region will now miraculously forego its broader strategic aims of Muslim hegemony under the aegis of a caliphate as a magnanimous gesture to the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. When the Straight of Hormuz and the Gulf arteries are blockaded by a nuclear Iran in the next 24 months and gasoline rises to $8-$10 p barrel, how many of you defenders of this policy will stand strong? When the incursions of the Iranian regime complete their insinuation into Egypt, Syria and Jordan and then threaten Israel, how many will still view this as something other than a disastrous policy? Indeed, it is John Kerrey, aka Americans are the imperialists that rape and pillage who as our Secretary of State, that is sponsoring this radical and short-sighted policy shift. Lest we forget, 30 years ago we were shown by a principled American President that peace through strength is the only way to counter dictatorial regimes. Thus, I encourage all of you to put down your iPads, texting, YouTube videos and think. What is proposed is very dangerous and the ramifications will make Iraq and Afghanistan wars look like a trip to Disneyland. Its not too late to say no.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 15:44:21 +0000

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