Regardless of Republican or Democrat control, we are stuck with - TopicsExpress


Regardless of Republican or Democrat control, we are stuck with the Ex-Im Bank (half of whose taxpayer subsidized loan guarantees go to just one company, Boeing), the Raisin Control Board and sugar import restrictions (all drive up food cost to benefit a handful of agribiz campaign contributors), and the M1 Abrams tank upgrade program (lives on despite fervent opposition by the sequester-constrained Pentagon because program suppliers are spread across 173 Congressional districts). Congress rams through hyper-complex, purposefully unintelligible 2,000 page bills, unread by members and written by special interest lobbyists seeking economic and regulatory privileges at the expense of ordinary citizens. Little has changed over the past thirty years, other than that the underlying problems have grown worse. Only by physically defending ourselves, our children, homes, property, and our lives are we going to get any protection or relief. There is no protection or us, our children, homes, property, or lives until WE stop this Zionist agenda now revealed being perpetrated against us ALL! What to do with the kidnappers, robed conspirators, lawyers, GALs, badged egomaniacs, and those who attempt to monetize us and hold our children, homes, licenses, and lives for ransom? Kill the perpetrators in self-defense until it stops. Every time they try to take us, our children, homes, property, licenses, bank accounts, etc, we must kill them in self defense. They declared war on us, our children, homes, property, and our very lives. It is now our divine and moral duty to make that stop by exhibiting why continuing such atrocities is no longer safe nor profitable! Everything else tried for over four decades has proven entirely ineffective (IE: movies, books, rallies, placards, billboards, costumes, legal filings, scientific studies showing harms to children, taxpayers, and society, political hearings, laws now violated and ignored, the Constitution which we should all hold more dear than life itself). I don’t want to have happen to you, your children, family, home, property, life savings, etc, what my own children and I and so many others have experienced and have uncovered. And it’s driving 50 victims a day to suicide in the U.S. alone. I’m living proof that it doesn’t matter how good a parent or citizen you are, how financially responsible, or good a taxpayer or community member you are, there is NO protection or relief, not for us, or our children, or our homes, or our property, bank accounts, or our lives, not from the police, or the court corruption, or the interagency evils now revealed, unless and until we are willing to defend them with our very lives until this heinous evil now exposed monetizing, dividing, spying on, lying to, lying about, threatening, assaulting, and even trying to enslave or kill us all, is stopped! “America is also like a banana republic, in that its legal system -- contrary to its Hollywood image -- has become a sink-well of secret proceedings, the jailing of the innocent and political misconduct; and how it is sullied with documented corruption, fake trials and court fraud. The drive to cover-up for judicial mistakes becomes obsessive. The U.S. legal system cannot function without a cover-up. But a cover-up of judicial misconduct becomes an invitation for corruption and bribery and more misconduct, and this vicious cycle keeps escalating. Judges have become a law unto themselves, and the judges and lawyers in America have built a machine that cannot be reversed by any power visible on the horizon, except some kind of revolution.” ~ Dr Les Sachs- author and internationally renowned journalist. “There will be some casualties in this war. Some killed, some wounded, some captured. Some of them will be theirs. Some of the casualties will be ours. Now, nobody wants to get killed. But let us look at your life. You are broke after paying child support. She and the kids are not doing any better. None of you are middle class any more. You have no say in the kids education, their health treatment, you may not even have visitation with your sons and daughters. And everything you thought you knew to be true-the rule of law, the sanctity of the of the family, the belief that government was there to nurture your brood-all turned out to be a lie… So you are not losing anything by picking up the Molotov cocktail. It may be too late for us. But without something changing, your kids will have double the odds of it happening to them.”~ 21 year Special Forces veteran and NH Family Court victim Thomas Ball. My identity was taken from me, as result of this process. When it began, I was a commercial real estate broker with CB Richard Ellis. I lived by the Golden rule and made a living by bringing parties together and finding the common ground. My reputation as a broker was built on my honesty and integrity. When it ended, I was broke, homeless, unemployed and had no visitation with my own children. I had no confidence and was paralyzed with fear that I would be going to jail whenever my ex-wife wanted. Nothing I could say or do would stop it… I didnt somehow change into a high-conflict person or lose my ability to steer clear of the law. I had never been arrested, depressed, homeless or suicidal before this process. The stress and pressure applied to me was deliberate and nothing I could do or say would get me any relief. Nothing I or my attorneys said to my ex-wifes attorney or to the Court made any difference. Truth, facts, evidence or even the best interest of my children had no affect on the outcome… None of this made sense to me either. I had no help and the only suggestion I got from my attorneys was to remain silent. There is no right or wrong way to defend yourself from abuse. Naively, I thought that abuse was abuse and it would be recognized and something would be done. I thought speaking out would end the abuse or at least get them to back off. It didnt. When no one did anything they were emboldened. ~ Christopher Mackney, age 45, Arlington, VA, December 29, 2013. “They’re involved in kidnapping kids, international drug trafficking. They’re assassinating people. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!” - Retired FBI Chief Ted Gunderson. So long as the kidnappers, police, robed conspirators, and profiteers can kidnap our children, steal our homes, property, try to silence or kill us and then go have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep kidnapping our children, stealing our homes, and killing us, but when we die and they die, then soon it will become very clear why it simply has to stop! We must exhibit clearly and repeatedly why it is no longer safe or profitable to continue perpetrating and perpetuating such atrocities if they hope to be safe in their homes, vehicles, and places of work. The Federal Reserve, U.S. currency, banking system, judicial system, and political system have been infiltrated and hijacked by badged thugs, robed conspirators, profiteers, and puppeteers now identified. If my own children and I didnt experience and uncover it personally, I never would have researched or believed it myself, but its no longer a secret, nor is the Zionist agenda to monetize, divide, enslave, or kill us ALL! “Well, overall, the richest 400 people in America – all of them billionaires – possess as much money as the bottom 50 per cent of Americans combined, some 154 million. It’s mind-blowing! And what happened is during this 2008 recession, as they call it, everybody lost wealth. I lost wealth. My home isn’t worth what it used to be. Everybody lost some form of wealth, except – just like the Wall Street people said – the upper 1 per cent of the 1 per cent of billionaires. They actually increased their wealth five times! So, if you were worth 10 billion dollars, you’re now worth 50 billion. Now that tells me that they orchestrate these recessions so that they can get even wealthier, while making the rest of us even poorer… They created the Federal Reserve and that’s truly who runs the country, because if you go by what Deep Throat said in Watergate: “Follow the money.” And the Federal Reserve prints the money, so they’re the boss. If you make the money – you’re the boss. Politicians are nothing but puppets, it’s the Federal Reserve that runs the United States of America – not your government.”~ Former Navy Seal and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” ~ Henry Ford “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered….” – U.S. President and founding father Thomas Jefferson (1809). And that is why the pleas of us and our children (my own included) fall on deaf ears, and why nothing anyone says or does, or files, or researches, makes any difference at all while nothing changes but the excuses, delays, irreplaceable passage of time, and the faces and names of the victims. The reality is that this now-exposed cesspool of judicial corruption, greed, and interagency efforts to cover it up, perpetuate it, and silence the whistleblowers, has already declared war on ALL of us!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 05:24:37 +0000

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