Requesting help! As many of you know, I am finishing up with - TopicsExpress


Requesting help! As many of you know, I am finishing up with the final details of publishing my very first book. It has been a two year long journey. The book has its own process of unfolding and I have respected that, waiting for information to come through and events to transpire so it would be the very best I could offer. I have also respected my own process and learned to lighten up so that the rest of my life could continue on both professionally and personally. I never wanted the fun to go out of it. Of course, the spirits have been a huge part of this undertaking, too, always ready to help when needed. I have received tremendous and enthusiastic support from my students and teachers and this has kept me going whenever I thought of giving up. Today I am writing because I am looking at the title of the book and wondering if any of you have suggestions to improve it. The working title has been: The Manifestation Handbook: A Shamanic Guide to the Art of Conscious Co-Creation. The book also includes an 8 week audio program that teaches how to journey & work with the helping spirits on co-creating so the practical applications of reforming habits and ways of thinking are addressed. To give you a flavor of the book, here are the first 3 paragraphs from the introduction: This is not another one of those “over-sensationalized, promise-you-everything-ra-ra-you-can-have-it-all” handbooks. I’ve seen enough of those books and I would be embarrassed to offer you one. This journey has been carefully crafted to systematically lead you through a life changing process. Your world views will be challenged. Your ability to make precise use of your energy and time will expand. You will understand how to make your visions and goals a reality. In order to achieve these results, you will be guided to make changes in how you think, what you do, and how you perceive reality. This journey will teach you to set your own path, make your own choices, enlist the assistance of the Spirit World and collaborate with the Universal powers. The Manifestation methods taught within this book and audio program are life-altering, giving you the foundational skills to move forward in every area of your life. What is this handbook all about? Quite simply it is about stepping into your role as a co-creator of this magnificent universe we live in and learning how to be a partner in creating. The partnership is with the subtle beings of the many planes of existence sometimes referred to as Helping Spirits, Divine Beings, Gods, Goddesses, angels, devas, fairies, the Sidhe, among others. They, too, have an agenda. They wish to serve the planet as a whole and all life upon it. If you would like to submit some ideas for the title and sub-title, I would be happy to entertain them! The themes I want to see included are: manifestation, co-creation, shaman and something about the 8 week audio training program. If I select your submission, you will receive a signed copy of the book and audio CD. And to any of you who have read this far, thank you! May the long time sun shine upon you! You may share this post!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 17:12:00 +0000

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