Residential buildings Although there are also are several - TopicsExpress


Residential buildings Although there are also are several larger cities, with multi-story apartment buildings on Erra, the central planet to the Pleiadians/Plejarans, there are however no tower blocks in form of high rises and sky scrapers where people have to live crammed together. Between the individual residential buildings, can extensive parks and gardens to be found, which are provided with neatly arranged footpaths. There are also well-ordered landing places for aerial vehicles, for person or goods transport, to be found at central points, which as a whole are jointly owned, and can be used by everyone according to their needs. Streets of any types are completely unknown because the Pleiadians/Plejarans use no land vehicles at all. Therefore are all residential areas pure pedestrian zones where no noise, traffic chaos and pollution, through exhaust fumes, exist. The majority of the Pleiadians/Plejarans prefers not to live in cities, but away from them, in green surroundings, resp. live in the country, namely in one family houses which have a hemispherical or spherical shape and a diameter of 21 meters. The construction materials consist mainly of very resistant metal alloys or from synthetic materials which is extracted from the ground and primarily from sand. This synthetic material is similar to our silicone. Each one family house stands on its own, on a fertile land, which as a rule is a hectare (10 000 square meters = 100 x 100 meter) large. The common household resp. families on these land plots strive, according to possibility, to become self-sufficient, accordingly each dwelling having for example its own water and power supply which is not dependent on a public network. For own requirements each family, or other housing units on these plots of land, establish their own fruit-, vegetable-,herb- and flower garden, which always are being worked and nurtured with great pleasure. More generally, is each piece of fertile land utilized for planting of natural food, making it arable and cultivated. A homestead is in such a way, and so large built, that it only offers space for a five-person family and no more because the advisory adopted maximum number of offspring amount to no more than three children per woman. It is an advice from the High Council, which like all other advises, is being followed. For reasons of keeping peace etc., should parents-in-law not be living in the same household as their married children, a rule which is consistently and uniformly abided by. In-laws can however reside on an adjacent property, in their own one family house, but should under no circumstances interfere in matters of their children, when they are married or past their upbringing age. Also this is a rule, like many others, which is entirely complied with. After 14 to 16 years the children leave their parents’ house to be educated in smaller groups of the same age. Since the man, in contrast to the monogamous disposed woman, is polygamous is this by the Pleiadians/Plejarans taken into account in the way that the man can marry up to four woman, which also prevent prostitution, which no longer exist by these extra-terrestrials since ancient times. When, pursuant to this rule, a man therefore has two, three or four wives then they often reside in a so called square, consisting of a proportionately large piece of land and of two three or four one family houses, consequently each wife has her own refuge and in this way her own residence and her own household. With regard to the buildings, one last thing to point out is that these are built absolutely earthquake-resistant against the most severe tremors. They are also absolutely secure against lightning and basic storms etc. All buildings, also when they are very large, are seamlessly made in one piece, normally have few storeys and have a suspension system of some kind of buoyancy chambers
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 06:12:55 +0000

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