Revelation In The Knowledge Of Him Oh! People love dreams, - TopicsExpress


Revelation In The Knowledge Of Him Oh! People love dreams, visions, and prophecies. No matter what you tell some people if you arent seeing a revelation or giving them prophecy they arent listening and wont accept what you say. Like in the Old Testament, people like to hear Thus saith the Lord!. Im not blaming anyone here though because we are all people of prophecy. Revelation is an essential part of our life...BUT... I just want to say we need to have these revelations in the knowledge of God otherwise, both the hearer and the speaker are very prone to running off with wrong meaning and interpretation. Just like I always tell my people, not all who sees, knows, feels or hears understands what he/she sees, knows, feels, or hears. Those who see, hear or know need spiritual understanding and the knowledge of God. I have seen good revelation and prophecy destroyed homes, marriages, company, churches, careers and lives just because the speaker and the recipient of the revelation or prophecy didnt do it in the knowledge of God and spiritual understanding. When God started using me in the prophetic I prayed for spiritual understanding, that is, meaning and interpretation, in the knowledge of Him. What we see, hear or know cant be interpreted with face value. Considering the revelations of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel, if it were me, without the Spirit of understanding my interpretation would be totally different. What about you? You understand what I mean? Do you like the prophetic gifts? Do you like been given prophecy? Are you in prophetic already? You need the understanding of the Spirit of God and Gods knowledge. This two can guide you from error, from being judgemental and destructive. We need the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him working through us because the same revelation doesnt always have the same interpretation. Eph1:17 Thats why I personally dont buy into those dreams and interpretation books. Take for instance, someone came to me and said, Sir, I had a dream and I was shot in the dream. By the Spirit of God I said, Praise the Lord! Thats great...! He didnt allow me to finish before he interrupted saying, Why praise God?. Then I said with a smile, God is just showing you that they have been making attempts on your life for so long but theyve never succeeded. If thats an attack as you supposed, you should be dead by now or in bad shape. You need to see him exclaimed in excitement with thanksgiving in his mouth. He said, I never thought of it that way!. I said,Me either. Hes alive now and doing great in the Lord. If we had understood what that dream meant maybe our prayer would have changed. Maybe be the fear wont be there. God, make us understand as you do in Jesus name! Another person said with great concern, Sir I saw my angels withdrawn from me. Before my brain could fathom lies, I said, Praise God! Praise God?, he asked in puzzlement. Yes praise God!, I replied again He asked why. Then I said, Here is the thing. You were in a line of ministry before but you have now changed to another one and the angels that were working with you were redundant so you need a change of angels for the type of ministry work youre doing now! He was like, wow! How did you get that? Well, my brain wouldnt tell me that. I would probably say he had sinned and God was angry and had to withdraw His angels. Amazingly, this brother left and came back three days after and said, Sir, as I was praying, my eyes got opened and I saw two huge battle-ready angels came down and stood on my both sides. He was stunned. (When he met me, by the grace of God he too started walking in the healing, deliverance and prophetic power unlike before when he was only doing visitation to the brethren. Its like hes even flowing in the power better than me these days. Lol! Praise God!). Are you getting me? Every revelation has distinctive interpretation, so no book can help you. Every revelation requires you to have the Spirit of Understanding and the knowledge of God otherwise youll be judgemental, erroneous, destructive and harmful. All I said here is not all there is to it but you can take my word for it that you need the Spirit of understanding and revelation in the knowledge of God. Say with me: I receive the Spirits understanding and revelation in the knowledge of God in the name of Jesus. Got that? If you do, praise the Lord!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:40:23 +0000

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