Robin Williams isnt even in his grave yet, but the buzzards are - TopicsExpress


Robin Williams isnt even in his grave yet, but the buzzards are circling with their bibles and crosses stuck in their talons and ragged cries of hallelujah out of their featherless throats. Williams, the greatest humanitarian since Mark Twain, committed suicide, and the vultures figure its an opportunity to make some profit in tragedy through false witness. Yes, I mean false witness. Deliberately twisting the facts to the point where they are not recognizable is a form of lying. Deliberately ignoring medical science in favor of scripture is also lying, as you are concealing the reality of the situation. Williams had depression. From the mid-seventies we have known that depression is a physical disease and not a moral shortcoming. Expecting Williams or anyone else to overcome this disease without medical help is as absurd as expecting a man born without eyes to see through faith. Robin Williams suffered from a brain chemistry imbalance. It was not lack of Jesus that drove him to suicide, it was lack of serotonin. Depression hits different people at different times and in different ways. Sometimes the brain chemistry imbalance is developmental and will change to normal when the sufferer grows older. Sometimes it hits when people are older. It can come and go depending on life situation. Stress is a factor too. Imagine the stress of somebody who is in such despair that he cant stand it. Imagine the stress of hearing people say, it will go away if you believe. Pray. Pull yourself up by your own bootstrap. If that person ends up killing himself, it is not his fault. It is the fault of people who themselves cannot see reality and insist the disease is a moral or religious failing. Suicide then becomes a momentary decision. Williams used the tools he had on hand. The urge could have passed if there were somebody there with him, but you know, shit happens and never for a reason. In other forms of depression, suicide becomes an obsession, and you can catch the sufferer before he kills himself. Sometimes the good guys do win. Go figure. Yet today, we have medicine that can rebalance brain chemistry and help the suffers enjoy life again. My father had depression and didnt really get help from the meds. But thanks to him and others trying, the medicines have improved tremendously. That is the reality folks. Western Medicine works. Pray all you want if that makes YOU feel better, but make sure that friend or family member gets to a psychaitrist, stat!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:21:05 +0000

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