Ron Paul: Bernanke Admits Economy Is In Bad Shape - September - TopicsExpress


Ron Paul: Bernanke Admits Economy Is In Bad Shape - September 19th, 2013 Kit Daniels | Fed continues the destruction of the dollar with QE3. Experts: Fed’s QE Unlimited Will Lead to “Total Collapse” - September 19th, 2013 Paul Joseph Watson | Americans to suffer through higher food, gas & energy prices. Obama: ‘Raising the Debt Ceiling…Does Not Increase Our Debt,’ Though It Has ‘Over 100 Times’ - September 19th, 2013 CNS News | Raising the debt ceiling doesn’t increase the nation’s debt, Pres. Obama declared in a speech. Marc Faber: Fed’s Money Printing About Protecting the Elite - September 19th, 2013 Zero Hedge | Faber’s comments during a Bloomberg TV interview are even more prescient. Median Household Income Has Fallen For FIVE YEARS IN A ROW - September 18th, 2013 Michael Snyder | If the economy is getting better, then why do incomes keep falling? The Percentage Of Americans That Consider Themselves To Be “Lower Class” Is At An All-Time High - September 17th, 2013 Michael Snyder | Do you consider yourself to be “lower class”? Euro-Zone Wages Lag Inflation - September 16th, 2013 Wall Street Journal | Long-standing imbalance in the Euro zone. 25 Fast Facts About The Federal Reserve – Please Share With Everyone You Know - September 16th, 2013 Economic Collapse | It is absolutely imperative that we get the American people to understand that the Fed is at the very heart of our economic problems. As the Fantasy Dies: “Panic Will Ensue” - September 14th, 2013 Mac Slavo | Prepare for panic. It’s coming. BofA: If The American Economy Doesn’t Accelerate Soon, It NEVER Will - September 13th, 2013 businessinsider | Don’t expect stocks to go on an awesome tear over the next few years. Get Out There And Start Shopping: “No Possibility of Falling Back Into Recession” - September 13th, 2013 Mac Slavo | It’s not all doom and gloom out there. Greek unemployment rises to record 27.9 percent in June - September 12th, 2013 Reuters | Reflects impact of six-year, austerity-fueled recession. Idea To Fix The Economy - September 12th, 2013 Planet Infowars | I have an idea that should, in theory, fix our entire economy within a matter of years. Prepare For Tough Times If Your Job Has Anything To Do With Real Estate Or Mortgages - September 12th, 2013 Michael Snyder | Would they be doing that if we were really heading into a “sustainable housing recovery”? Companies lay off thousands, then demand immigration reform for new labor - September 11th, 2013 Washington Examiner | 100+ corps. sent letter to House of Reps. urging passage of comprehensive immigration reform bill. Global billionaire population tops 2,000 - September 10th, 2013 CNBC | The World Ultra Wealth Report found that just under 200,000 people in the world are worth $30 million or more. Is Bitcoin Mining Dead? - September 10th, 2013 Planet Infowars | Some of my thoughts on Bitcoin. New federal consumer ‘protection’ bureau data-mining Americans’ private financial records - September 10th, 2013 Washington Examiner | ‘Protection’ bureau collected decade’s worth of private financial data on the consumer behavior of 5 million Americans. Study: 43% of Americans pay no income tax - September 9th, 2013 CNBC | That “47 percent” quote that helped sink Mitt Romney’s presidential hopes? Better make it 43%. The Number Of Private Sector Jobs Fell By 278,000 Last Month But The Economy Is Getting Better? - September 8th, 2013 Michael Snyder | Have you heard about the “wonderful” employment numbers that were just released? Nearly One-Sixth of Population On Food Stamps - September 7th, 2013 Wall Street Journal | Enrollment rose 70% from 2007 to 2011. Who Is Going To Buy Our Debt If This War Causes China, Russia And The Rest Of The World To Turn On Us? - September 7th, 2013 Michael Snyder | Can the U.S. really afford to greatly anger the rest of the world when they are the ones that are paying our bills? Work Force Rate: 63.2%, Lowest Since 1978 - September 6th, 2013 Bloomberg | Unemployment rate declining because more people stopped looking for work. Record 90.5 Million Out Of Labor Force As Half A Million Drop Out In One Month - September 6th, 2013 zerohedge | Labor force participation rate plunges to 1978 levels. Pro-War Senator Votes Bought With 83% More Defense Lobby Money? - September 6th, 2013 Zero Hedge | On average, a ‘yes’-voting senator received 83% more money from defense contractors than one who voted ‘no.’ White House to spend another $12m promoting Obamacare - September 5th, 2013 Politico | CMS has reserved at least $12 million in airtime in a dozen Republican-led states. China: Military strike against Syria would hurt global economy - September 5th, 2013 LA Times | Military strike would lead to a $10 jump in the price of a barrel of oil. McCain ‘Moar War’ Trumps Berlusconi’s Ouster-Talk As European Stocks Recover Early Losses - September 4th, 2013 zerohedge | European stocks turned back higher in a ridiclously correlated manner. UK: More workers earning less than living wage - September 4th, 2013 BBC | 25% of women and 15% of men paid below living wage in 2012. The 5% recovery: Why most are still in recession - September 3rd, 2013 USA Today | Lower income families have fared poorly since 2009. Spain youth unemployment reaches record 56.1% - September 2nd, 2013 The Guardian | Spain’s unemployment even higher than Greece. Poverty consumes so much mental energy it’s like a drop in IQ - September 2nd, 2013 UPI | Poverty like a 13-point drop in IQ or loss of a night’s sleep. DHS Seizes Private Property Along Mexico Border to Build Surveillance Towers - September 1st, 2013 KGUN | Most property owners were hesitant to go on camera. They say they fear upsetting Border Patrol. Obama’s Syria Attack: The Health of the Military Industrial Complex - August 31st, 2013 Kurt Nimmo | Graphs explain motivation behind looming Syria attack. Greek minister: Country may need extra 10 billion euros - August 27th, 2013 CNN | The game plan is bailout. Dow falls 100 amid mounting worries over Syria, all S&P sectors lower - August 27th, 2013 CNBC | Stocks were sharply lower Tuesday, with all key S&P sectors in the red, amid building worries over potential U.S. military action in Syria. Larry Summers and the Secret “End-Game” Memo - August 26th, 2013 Greg Palast | The memo is authentic. First Signs of Hyperinflation Have Arrived - August 26th, 2013 JS Kim | US national debt can travel from the earth to the sun and back a stunning 83 times. Ron Paul: Middle of the Road in Healthcare Leads to Socialism - August 26th, 2013 Ron Paul | Only the free-market can lower the cost of healthcare. Typing error sends Tel Aviv Stock Exchange plummeting - August 25th, 2013 Times of Israel | Israel Corporation shares fall 99.98 percent before mistake is detected; trading briefly halted. Euro-Zone Bulls Stay on the Sidelines - August 23rd, 2013 Nick Hastings | Investors see past the lies of central banking. They Actually Expect Us To Have Faith In These Financial Markets After This Week? - August 23rd, 2013 Economic Collapse | What in the world is happening to our financial markets? The Confidential Memo At The Heart Of The Global Financial Crisis - August 23rd, 2013 Greg Palast | When a little birdie dropped the End Game memo through my window, its content was so explosive, so sick and plain evil, I just couldn’t believe it. The Confidential Memo at the Heart of the Global Financial Crisis - August 22nd, 2013 Vice | Memo reveals treasury officials secretly conspired with small cabal of bankers to rip apart financial regulation across the planet. Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event - August 22nd, 2013 Mac Slavo | Are we on the brink of another global disaster? If You Could Make More Money By Going On Welfare Instead Of Working, Would You Do It? - August 22nd, 2013 Economic Collapse | If you could stay home and relax all day and actually make more money than you do at your current job, would you do it? A weaker euro for a weaker Europe - August 21st, 2013 European Voice | Chinese exports causing trade deficits in the eurozone. 33 Shocking Facts Which Show How Badly The Economy Has Tanked Since Obama Became President - August 21st, 2013 Economic Collapse | Barack Obama has been running around the country taking credit for an “economic recovery”, but the truth is that things have not gotten better under Obama. 18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Are Entering A Horrifying Death Spiral - August 20th, 2013 Economic Collapse | You can see it coming, can’t you? Growing Up In America - August 20th, 2013 Paul Craig Roberts | Things Are Bad And Getting Worse.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:32:35 +0000

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