SAVE ENERGY ..WHAT YOU CAN DO: - next time, buy a car that gets at - TopicsExpress


SAVE ENERGY ..WHAT YOU CAN DO: - next time, buy a car that gets at least 30 miles/gallon (Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, Honda Civic get >50 miles/gallon) - Help raise MPG standards for cars to 45 MPG and SUV’s to 34 MPG - when possible: walk, bike, carpool or use public transportation - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! (paper, glass and metal products made from recycled materials in stead of new materials saves 70 – 90% of the energy and pollution) - use fluorescent light bulbs (they last an estimated 13 times longer than incandescent bulbs) - use energy-efficient appliances - wrap water heater in an insulating jacket; turn down the temperature - give your house an energy audit - use best energy-saving models when you replace windows; insulate your ceilings and walls - choose electric utility that does not use fossil fuels or nuclear fission to produce power - consider alternative energy sources: solar panels, wind power. - plant trees! They absorb CO2 - Buy food and products that are made in or near your community to reduce pollution caused by shipping
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:46:23 +0000

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