SEEKING YOUR HELP FOR A BIRTH FATHER, PLEASE READ: Hello, members of Birthfathers United. I am a new member of the group, who is working diligently to help a birth father in need of the restoration of his parental rights and those of his daughter, Gabi. She is the victim of a fraudulent adoption in Tennessee. The birth mother and adoptive parents conspired to conceal the fathers identity from the court (to see he was not notified and the adoption remained a secret from him), as well as lie to the father about his paternity to the child (so he would not interfere with their plans). We have concrete evidence proving the involvement of the adoptive parents in this scheme to defraud the father of his rights and commit fraud upon the court to keep Gabi. These actions are defined under Tennessee Code Annotated as Especially Aggravated Kidnapping. We have been fighting this for years now in the courts of Tennessee. Currently, we are writing letters to the Department of Justice, FBI, Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct, Tennessee Board of Professional Conduct, Attorney General, the Governor, and WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you would be willing to sign letters to these different agencies and officials, please send me a private message here on Facebook, or text or call me at 409-497-5850. We will prepare the letters, all we need is to have your input by providing your signatures. Please read more on this case: facebook/JusticeforGabi Your help and input is crucial to our cause. Thank you all, and God bless.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:46:24 +0000

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