SEVERE HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE IN MY FAMILY & MURDER ( of 3 family members, all persons framed for the murders in differant years same connections with corruption in Australia wide connected ) AND PERSECUTION ONGOING: Umm I cannot type barely , just crushed a typing finger on inside with a pile of bricks, got a lovely blood blister on ice, but I am gunna still finish megga gardening and paving today, taken too long with the 6 month drawn out move unpacking and travel. and having a real life again for the first time in decades, way over due, I shall never live in a rural town in WA again or anywhere else in oz they are too gossip hungry and do not like to move into the real present growing world. Between all the year long trailer move accidents; car breakdowns, megga stalking via corrupt cops brought on by last insane freaking town. I am still managing to enjoy life again, Its going to be a greater wonderful NEW YEAR for me, and I wont forget to pursue justice for my murdered sister in nursing care via major medical neglect and morphine overdose to end all the damage, but the neglect is on record now, because she ended up at a major hospital the day before her planned murder at a private small hospital on pretext of having all her teeth pulled out in major surgery, the nursing home tricked us family living in the country towns, not able to see her enough, telling us she had dental work done, a sudden replacement doctor visiting the nursing home the day before her impending murder by surgery, saved her life long enough so her medical neglect was recorded, she would have not survived the secret surgery non of us family were told about, her inside organs were practically gutted, and decay in teeth caused also major kidney damage and other, kidney stones, one was blasted, but surgeons couldnt operate on her without her dying in surgery. I took photos leading up to her death and hours after, after everyone left her. EVIDENCE BIG TIME !!! PHOTOS SPEAK A THOUSAND WORDS. 1st pic 6 months before her death, I raised the help flag then, I couldnt get help for her, & I was drowning in bad cop and crazy psycho neighbour stalking and bogus frame ups, & a escaped suspect abduction in May 2013 involving a car chase I was not expecting then involving a police car, they did not know i saw it after escaping the car chase that could only have resulted in a abduction, and I am in no doubt my impending murder by a bogus police stop that didnt happen, ( now I know how people and their cars go missing for ever, I never even imagined this as a way of getting people to vanish forever, as I out ran the chase car, and got to safety in time, my phone records show the exact time of chase, as I was able to phone some one close to unlock a door fast while i was speeding around corners , the chase car didnt know the roads enough it was V6 or V8 engine mine is only a 4 cylinder, I had amy trailer and 2 dogs in car with me, while visiting relatives down south, before my sister died in July 2 weeks after HH Dalai Lamas birthday 5 July, the last time i saw her alive. I had also taken her to visit the Dalai Lama in Perth the 2nd last time he was here, and a local Tibetan monk blessed her there also. She and our family are baptised catholics, I am now a practicing Lay buddhist, took my lay vows ( not nun ) in 2000. after travelling many spiritual paths, that made me survive many times of great harm, by miracles. PICS BELOW on left december 2013, then from March 14 /2014 to her death, July 2014; I will with hold her death pic its bad real bad. Her birthday with wreath around her kneck. musician playing at her nursing home south west family came up 2 weeks after her birthday knowing it was the last time, ( selfish of them not even brought her flowers, she could not talk; walk or feed herself for years, but had full awareness up to her death. She had Huntingtons dememtia, I am the only family that did not inherit it : from my Dutch / Father, deceased also along with my brother who had it, and he was murdered march 14/ 1991, the same date my sister was admitted to Hospital, i was shocked when i read the date on the hospital notes an omen i knew very well, she was going to leave us. ) .They never cleaned her teeth, even after i took oral cleaner given to me by the Hospital to the nursing home, i took pics hours after her meals these are the pics the green gel is her fluid, she had to have thickened food and drinks. ( i secretly gave her precious drops of water on her lips and in her mouth, the only time she ever got these water drops from me over the years. The last real thin pics i took on July 5 / 2014 . with my dogs as well. They shaved all the patients hair off when they were admitted to the nursing home, as they were too lazy to wash their hair, this is in so called civillised PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA one of the poorest human rights states in Australia. (( OOOPS WHAT HUMAN RIGHTS !!! ) The last pic herself before they Medical negligence took over and some family neglect, i had to flee from to save myself also, from threats and intimadation by my sisters Pyshciatric workers because I kept putting complaints in about their neglect, to the point I had carer burnt out from their intimidation non stop and persecution beyond belief, I had no choice but to flee to the south west, to save myself, my mother took over. not the best choice but better than nursing home 10 years earlier.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:58:24 +0000

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