SKELETONS OF JOYCE BANDA (PART I): INTERIM PRESIDENT JOYCE BANDA’S ‘ERRAND BOY’ AT ESCOM SENT PACKING, MK450 MILLION DOWN THE DRAIN Jack Thabwa, Malawi interim President Joyce Hilda Mtima Banda’s ‘errand boy’ at the country’s only state power supplier, Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) has been sent home after the organization lost about MK 450,000 million through mysterious dealings with suppliers. The whooping nearly half a billion loss through this individual has been registered in the last two years acting President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda has been at the helm of the reigns of power in this southern African country. Before his suspension, Jack Thabwa worked as ESCOM’s Procurement Manager. Mrs. Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda, dealt with Thabwa through her two sons Geoffrey and Roy Kachale and her business associate, Osward Lutepo. Thabwa, was being used by the trio in exaggeration of procurement figures, ballooning them before the two Kachales and Lutepo supplied materials through conduit companies and in some situations not even supply at all but claim payments from ESCOM. WHAT BROKE THE CAMEL’S BACK? ESCOM management and board are accusing Jack Thabwa of procuring 1,700 units of Cut Units without following procedures and suspect him of being involved in graft with the supplier. According to senior ESCOM officials we have spoken to, Thabwa, procured the 1,700 units from a British supplier who charged ESCOM, 400 British Pounds per unit which totaled up to (1,700 units x 400/unit = 680,000 pounds x 680 (Kwacha – Pound present rate) = MK462,400,000. However, in normal circumstances, ESCOM pays between US$4-US$10 per unit for the same items and there was a supplier who quoted ESCOM US$10 per unit before Thabwa opted for the most expensive at 400 British Pounds per unit. If ESCOM opted for lowest bidder, they would have paid (1,700 units x US$10/unit = US$17,000 x 420 (Kwacha – US $ present rate) = MK 7,140,000. This led to ESCOM lose about MK450, 000,000 (MK462, 400,000- MK7, 140, 00) = MK455, 260,000. ESCOM internal auditors discovered this theft by the Joyce Banda ‘errand boy’ and reported to management. Threats by junior officers to leak the story to the media led to ESCOM suspending the officer. Otherwise, Jack Thabwa remained untouchable. ESCOM FIRE ARCHITECT Readers may recall a few months ago, we published a comprehensive report in which we named Mrs. Banda’s sons Geoffrey and Roy Kachale and Osward Lutepo as people behind the arson of the magnificent ESCOM House. The trio set the offices on fire because investigators were about to visit the premises to check on some evidence that linked the three to receipt of ESCOM money for supplying nothing. It has since been established that the ESCOM insider who worked towards the burning of that building was in fact, Jack Thabwa, the suspended ESCOM Procurement Manager. Thabwa, on instructions from acting President Joyce Banda is reported to have single handedly picked the fire investigators, Incendium Fire Investigation from South Africa to probe the cause of the fire that burned ESCOM on 18th October last year. As per planned, Incendium Fire Investigation declared that they failed to trace the source of the fire. Surprisingly, immediately after the release of this staged report by the South African company, ESCOM spokesperson Kitty Chingota rushed to the media and declared the ESCOM fire incident was now put to rest and that the company would do no further investigations on the matter. ESCOM, is currently being used by interim President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda and her Peoples Party as an income generating tool for campaign funds towards the May 20th Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Elections. Achoke! Achoke! Achoke!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:14:49 +0000

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