SNP and Cameron steal Scotlands coal before the independence vote - TopicsExpress


SNP and Cameron steal Scotlands coal before the independence vote (and its all being given away to the 1%) - Alex Salmond says nothing while David Cameron steals Scotlands coal reserves before the independence vote. David Cameron has singed away billions of tons of Scotland (and the rest of the UKs) coal reserves (free) to an Australian company (with Lord Buccleuch) a major shareholder - The Australian company boasts they have been given enough coal to power the whole of Scotland for 150 years. and billions of tons more of Scotlands coal reserves have also been signed over (free) to an ex Tory Party Fundraiser (with the Earl DeWarre a major shareholder). This is the equivalent of giving away 62 of the most productive coal mines in UK history - to give you a perspective - but - The coal is not going to be mined and then burned in a coal fired power station - it is going to be used in a cheap and nasty alternative - burned in situ - under the Firth of Forth - and the River Esk in Dumfries and the Solway Firth - using a process that contaminates groundwater (think Erin Brockovitch), causes explosions and subsidence - 100% of the small trials in Australia caused major groundwater contamination - how much CO2 does burning billions of tons of Scotlands coal underground cause - CO2 is 35% of the output - and they plan to store it underground in the North sea - only problem is the small scale trial of this in Norway caused fractures and cracks in the seabed and the CO2 did not behave the way the very clever scientists expected - and the companies have no set up costs - as the taxpayer is kindly paying for all this - on behalf of the 1% . Read the attached article and report
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:52:38 +0000

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