SOME GUIDELINES FOR FASTING BIBLICAL FOUNDATION Every spiritual activity must have a Biblical foundation. Fasting is taught in the Bible. The best reason for fasting is that Jesus fasted [Matt 4 / Luke 4:2]. We also read about Moses [Ex 34:28]; Elijah [1 Kings 19:8]; Daniel [Daniel 10:2-3]; Queen, Esther [Esther 4:16]; etc. These are wonderful examples for us to follow. The Bible speaks about corporate fasting - and that is what we are doing this week. REASONS People fasted for many reasons. Some of the reasons were: - healing; deliverance [Esther 4:16]; repentance [Jonah 3:5-8]; God’s help [Nehemiah 1:4]; anointing for ministry [Luke 4:2 ff.]; God’s protection [Ezra 8:21]; etc. BLESSINGS There are blessings connected to fasting. Some examples : - people discover their mission & ministry [Acts 13:2-3]; Victory over satan [Matt 4:11]; God blesses our desires / plans [Ezra 8:21 ff.]; Power of God [Luke 4:14]; etc. Fasting draws us closer to God. It helps us to have victory of sins and negative situations in our lives. It also helps us to become a more effective witness for Jesus. We experience greater spiritual power [Matt 17:14-21]. If you have any other questions – please talk to Pastor PRACTICAL GUIDELINES # 1 -First Timers -If you have not fasted before – start with baby steps / slowly. #2 - Medication -If you have health issued and are on medication or feel ill, please get advice from your doctor before going on an extended fast. #3 - Skip Meal/s -Fasting is about skipping a meal / s -You may choose to skip breakfast & lunch – just eat supper -You can choose to drink water or other liquids during the fast -Your can do a Daniel Fast - which avoids certain kinds of food #4 - Prayer and the Word - Fasting without prayer and meditation is a hunger strike - Pray specific prayers concerning the reason for the fast -It is also good to have a prayer list & to pray for others in your time of fasting #5 - Length of Fast -Set a time limit for your fasting, number of days -But be flexible as God leads you -If you have fasted before – you may want to fast longer periods #6 - Spiritual Warfare -Fasting is spiritual warfare. -The devil will try to distract you. The devil tempted Jesus when He was on a fast – he will try to do the same with you – so be alert [Luke 4:1 ff.] #7 - Breaking the Fast -When you break your fast – eat a light meal because the stomach shrinks when you do not eat regularly. #8 - Testify -Testify about the blessings of God. It will inspire & encourage others
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:46:30 +0000

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