SPECIAL ADVISER FOR VOCABULARY WE WILL RESCUE THE ABDUCTED GIRLS .....I know everybody has seen this and somehow a message has been going round social media networks and channels about the gravity of the situation and how insensitive the government is about the missing girls . It took 8 days and an emergency meeting before they realised they had to look for this girls really ( over a month now a plane has gone missing not a day goes by that they arent searching for the missing plane. yesterday i wrote about the umbrella corporation claim that this central body is working magnificently under their umbrella , everyday they prove millions of Nigerians right . my bone of contention here is not whether or not this girls are found, I actually went out of my way to go for mass on Wednesday and Thursday , i have 3 sister, loads of female cousins and amazing Nieces . i dont know how my family will handle such a situation as much as some of my cousins Irritate my soul i love them ( maybe i dont but u get ) my issue is , did the authority need executive seal before looking for this kids ......lets be real this girls can never be the same .....people who have had real life experiences of rape or something will understand what i am saying . unwanted pregnancy that some may not be able to remove cos of health issues, Diseases and infections, Physical and Psychological damage , Emotional and Spiritual Trauma ........... but isnt this the same government that said it rescued this same girls last week , Now u WILL rescue them .....WILL i am laying emphasis on that VERB_dudes and dudettes in the corridor of power that is a Continuous Present Verb ...U WILL ....so it could be after election or maybe when the United Kingdom has given Nigeria funds to enter into our own forest reserve that u WILL rescue them ....No single army spokeman even apologised to the anguished parents and Nigeria in general for releasing such a terrible LIE ...Nigga look for this girls and then make a press statement saying WE HAVE RESCUED THE ABDUCTED GIRLS and see whether you and your Umbrella wielding band of old fools wont become national heroes over night.........YOU WILL RESCUE....NO DONT RESCUE , YOU CAN AS WELL DECLARE PUBLIC HOLIDAY ......BASTARDS IF THEY WERE YOUR KIDS WILL YOU WAIT 8HOURS BEFORE TURNING THE NATION INSIDE OUT .... REALLY UPSET NOW , NEED LIQUID VITAMINS
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 16:03:30 +0000

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