SPECIFIC PATTERNS: 1. Graduate from college-Get a Job-Find a - TopicsExpress


SPECIFIC PATTERNS: 1. Graduate from college-Get a Job-Find a house to rent-Buy a Car- etc 2. Primary school -Secondary school - college- Get a Job 3. Save cash-buy land-build a house-move into the newly built house 4. Find a job-Find a girlfriend -Get married - Have children 5. Sleep-wake up-Go to work- Knock off- Back home -sleep 6. Wake up- Eat- Go to the fields-rest - 7. Political Campaigns- Elections-MPs/President/Gvt ministers etc- unfulfilled promises-political campaigns - 8. Receive Salary-Spend-survive the month-receive salary-spend You can add to the list Specific patterns, Routines are what are affecting most Malawians. Patterns are not wrong but what results do these patterns bring, can we change the pattern? Can we discipline ourselves to think and do differently? Few distinct people (in the government, companies, churches and families) with an eye for excellence. We are victims of some patterns which are sometimes not value adding or life changing. If a population of 13million people continues to do what they do every day in the same way.... then the nation will be the same and we will have the same results. If 2million of these people thought differently and decided to do things differently then maybe we can have a new Malawi. You cant expect to get different results if you continue to do the same things every day, deliberate acts to change your environment will produce change.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 04:04:35 +0000

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