STOP LIGHT “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is cime, he - TopicsExpress


STOP LIGHT “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is cime, he will guide you into all truth: . . .” =John 16:13 For the three days prior to this vision I had been trying to write a letter to a pastor confirming a date to hold a meeting for him. Somehow though, just by an inward witness I’d get about half a page written, then I’d tear it up and throw it in the waste basket. The next day I’d do the same thing. The third day the same thing. “I’m going to show you,” the Lord said to me as he sat by my bedside, “how the inward witness works so you won’t make mistakes you’ve made in the past. You see me now sitting here talking to you. This is the prophet’s ministry in manifestation—and a manifestation of discerning of spirits (discerning of spirits is seeing into the spirit realm). You hear me talking to you. And I am bringing you through the vision a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom. I’m telling you not to go to that church. The pastor wouldn’t accept the way you minister. But I’m never again going to lead you this way. (And he hasn’t.) From now on I’m going to lead you by that inward witness you had all the time. You had a check, a hesitancy, on the inside. That’s the way I’m going to lead you.” This inward check is like a stop sign. It’s like a red light. Way down on the inside. Confession: The Spirit of truth is come. He indwells me. He guides me. He is guiding me now.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 11:24:15 +0000

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