SURVIVAL OF ZAMBIAN VOICE We have received a number of comments - TopicsExpress


SURVIVAL OF ZAMBIAN VOICE We have received a number of comments and concerns about our activities on this blog. It has been observed by our members that we have not been so active in the recent past compared to earlier days of our existence.It saddens me to admit this observation and I share your concerns as the Executive Director of The Zambian Voice (ZV). Standing on the principle of TRUTH, I would like to share with you some of the reasons which have somehow crippled us in our activities on the blog as well as in other areas of our work to promote good governance, access to justice and human rights. Financing The biggest problem has been that of finance. ZV being a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) solely depends on donations. However, so far we have failed to find a partner or donor that has been willing to sponsor ZV activities. Up-to-date ZV has mostly survived by the generosity of the founding members who are now stretched to the limit and it’s becoming more difficult to run the organization. This lack of funds to run the organization has paused a serious challenge and reflection on the sustainability of ZV. This problem, however, is not only being experienced by ZV, we have released that NGos/CSOs in Zambia have serious challenge to sustain their existence and remain true to their objectives and uncompromised. We have had serious temptation to unite ourselves with different interest groups for the sake of sourcing funds. Fortunately to-date, we have not compromised ourselves on individual or organizational level. We further assure our followers and supporters that we don’t intend to fall in the trap in spite of the difficulties we are going through. We, therefore, would like to appeal to all you members or supporters who appreciate what we do, to come forth and give ideas or resources to enable us survive. We welcome all ideas as long as they are in line with what we do. Effective Advocacy The other issue has been that of how to advocate in a most effective way. We don’t want to just make noise but to change the lives of the poor people in Zambia. ZV is a pro-poor organization which strives to change or reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. The factors contributing to high poverty levels spring from poor governance, poor economy, selfish ideologies among other reasons. There are big forces behind the factors mentioned above and you need to be systematic to bring about any positive change. ZV has therefore been looking at strategies that can work for Zambia.uu Self-sacrifice The other issue has been to find people (especially workers) that are ready to invest their time and resources to build the organization. People want to spend time on what they know, will give them a salary at the end of the month. So far a number of workers had to leave the organization because we are not able to pay them accordingly. However, we don’t blame those who have left, because they need to live out of what they are doing. So it is understandable that they leave, but at least they have remained the friends of the organization. Intimidations and malefic Schemes It is also not a secrete to most of you that some forces are behind pushing us out of the civil activism platform because we are at times considered treats to their selfish interests. Out of this, I for one have been accused of a number of things that I have to defend myself in the court of laws. This too has preoccupied my mind. Some of the accusations have actually affected us in the eyes of unsuspecting public. In the face of such accusations, the normal thing to do would have been to step aside for a while but this would most likely put the organisation in serious jeopardy because of the issues raised above, that is finance and staffing. The organisation is still very young to lose the dream carrier. I actually considered a resignation at one point but after considering a number of factors, I thought is wise to keep on with a leaping personal image and fight on for the sake of the organisation and my personal future. I am sure sooner than later such allegations will be cleared. We therefore ask all of you to keep praying for us and the organization so that we can survive the storm. ZV has been founded on the strong foundation of Faith and Grace to share our lives for the good of others. We submit to God TOTALLY in everything we do. If it is God’s Will, we will survive and bring about that change we desire. Otherwise I will be glad, to have tried. May God bless you all and let us strengthen each other in prayers and deeds.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 04:07:34 +0000

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