Samson standing between two pillars Looks around with a worried - TopicsExpress


Samson standing between two pillars Looks around with a worried frown Wonders if with a mighty effort He can bring them tumblin’ down Up ‘til then he’s been embarrassed By a growin’ urge to scratch Suddenly it dawns upon him He’s been growing a brand new thatch Samson raises his mighty shoulders Finds his strength comin’ back again Each and every minute a-growin’ bolder Not afraid of mice or men Puts his hands upon the pillars Finds them weak and rather thin Then he lets his dorsal muscles ripple With a crash the roof falls in! That was the end of a swingin’ party Went with a bang you could hear for miles Philistines’ friends covered in confusion Philistines’ enemies wreathed in smiles You can read the Bible story Judges fourteen to sixteen Don’t blame us if our version’s not As accurate as it might have been Bow to the Lord and sing his praise For moving in a mysterious way Time and again when things go wrong He steps right in and has his say You can lean upon his mercy He will send you the strength you need Thus in our song there lies a moral He who runs may learn to read Amen, amen, amen
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:44:26 +0000

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