Seclusion (The Plea of a Vagrant-to-Be)) Have you ever gone - TopicsExpress


Seclusion (The Plea of a Vagrant-to-Be)) Have you ever gone into seclusion Face to face with life’s disillusions? Have you ever had to face life alone No one there, nowhere to turn? In the recesses of your mind, Have you ever crawled into a corner Wrapped in that prenatal position Awaiting, without hope, a safety cushion? As the dark of loneliness engulfs, Battered continuously by life’s rebuffs Creeping, crawling fear evolves. So alone, thrown to the wolves The future beckons, one of chagrin and fear. Amid such shadows of dark despair, No one seems to care Is there anyone - my plea to hear? My silent cries are not heard Tears flowing, muttering not a word Inwardly pleading, begging, As a wingless fledgling! Not asking, yet looking for guidance Thinking the world its view askance All my prayers go unanswered In my soul, anew, despair is festered Hoping, in this dark cloud, Is there a silver lining? Meanwhile, my heart is pining, Withdrawing, staying out of sight Dreading to see the morning light This society so full of lies, Daring not to close my weary eyes; To me, this night, my spirit dies Even while in such dark despair In my heart, will someone hear? Someone saying I do care? Finding no one there for me Will I turn inwardly Close my eyes, close my ear Is that how I want to be? Lost, alone, Afloat on this open sea What is to be my destiny Do I roam aimlessly Do I remain solitary As a hapless soul in this my City Is there no one to rescue me? Do my tears fall in vain Meld into the waters flowing down the drain? Seeing me in my vagrant clothes Will I be counted as one of those, Insane? Alvin Narine ©
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:19:15 +0000

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