Second life project is a way to return to our real life, those old - TopicsExpress


Second life project is a way to return to our real life, those old things that we all loved, but we have forgotten. Many of us have survived in basements, attics, or cottages old things that have come down to us from the grandparents, televisions, radios, suitcases and furniture. Each of them has its own history. For example, a memory of our parents are associated with the first sounds of radio or viewing the initial black and white films first wedding trip with a suitcase. But over time they grown old and their intended use, we no longer use. But many of us dont want to get rid of them and throw it into the dustbin. Have to send them home. But because they are old, they start to go bad and a little physically die. But what to do? Thats the question we have to answer on your own. While maintaining the appearance of old things, with the restoration, we decided to give them another application, thus giving them a second life. Our designer using interesting ideas and gets them into modern life. Submit your old TV set, again showing an interesting program, but no television, and underwater. Yes Yes you read that right, now with a blue screen and will not say and show in Moscow, and will speak with you favorite pictures of previous years, and will help them revive the fun and colorful fish. And with the radio instead of the usual music lovers radio channels will again greet you underwater inhabitants of the Aquarium. Suitcases that in their lifetime have seen a lot of events will be the original features of your home. Ideas and suggestions, we have a lot, but you have to hurry, because with each new repairs in our houses many old things are thrown away. But wait! If your driveway recollection, please contact us and we will help you to save and find new uses for your old heroes of the past.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 10:36:58 +0000

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