See this how they control the world. 27 million Russians died - TopicsExpress


See this how they control the world. 27 million Russians died fighting the Nazis. The majority of folk need to wake the f-up ..quit believing in Santa Claus and Walt Disney fantasies about America and THE CORPORATION OF LONDON. Reagan extended the hand of friendship and cemented solid relations with Russia in 1987 amid massive publicity with Gorby -many promises and hand-shakes.Happy days, smiling faces, the wall came down, Icbms were dismantled etc. It was described as a new era of friendship, peace and stability. The Bushes and Drone man Obomber destroyed that hard won legacy. America went back on its word and expanded NATO eastwards. There is no meaningful threat from Russia, it has become a good nation. Putin is right and a good man now demonized by The West for geopolitical gains. Obomber completely fooled me at the start -hes a professional liar, as is Kerry, playing an evil and murderous game, corporate imperialism / geopolitics -rule the world etc while ACTING and lying to The People. He is a menace and needs to be exposed and brought to trial immediately, along with Bush and the rest of the bucket of siht. NATO is an extension army of the slavery system money powers who create Fiat money out of thin air -the greatest fraud in history. White house press office has admitted cia chief visited Ukraine; News story) +snipped [ A source in the Ukrainian parliament has told the Russian Interfax news agency that CIAs Director John Brennan recently visited Ukraines capital Kiev and had several meetings with representatives of Ukraines power-wielding agencies.] Wake up to the nightmare truth. This is the Pentagon CIA / MOSSAD / U.S. Presidential White House BLACK OP LIST issued by the phonies and money powers 50+ million murdered -its over America. Bush /Obama are part of the most evil plan ever. -youtube; Wes Clark Americas Foreign Policy Coup (3m) Retired 4-STAR General Wesley Clark says he was told 2 weeks after 9/11 They planned to take down 7 countries in 5 years; Iraq Syria Lebanon Libya Somalia Sudan Iran We’ve got about five years to clean up the Soviet client regimes 1946: GREECE. Restore monarch after overthrow of Metaxas government. Successful. 1946-1955: WEST GERMANY. Average of $6 million annually to support former Nazi intelligence network of General Reinhard Gehlen. Successful. 1948-1968: ITALY. Average of $30 million annually in payments to political and labor leaders to supportanti- Communist candidates in Italian elections. Successful. 1949: GREECE. Military assistance to anti-Communist forces in Greek civil war. Successful. 1949-1953: UKRAINE. Organize and support a Ukrainian resistance movement. Unsuccessful. 1949-1961: BURMA. Support 12,000 Nationalist China troops in Burma under General Li Mi as an incursion force into Peoples Republic of China. Unsuccessful. 1950-1952: POLAND. Financial and military assistance for Polish Freedom and Independence Movement. Unsuccessful. 1950: ALBANIA. Overthrow government of Enver Hoxha. Unsuccessful. 1951-1954: CHINA. Airdrop guerilla teams into Peoples Republic of China. Unsuccessful. 1953: IRAN. Overthrow Mossadegh government and install Shah Zahedi. Cost: $10 million. Successful. 1953: PHILLIPINES. Assassination and propaganda campaign to overcome Huk resistance and install government of Ramon Magsaysay. Successful. 1953: COSTA RICA. Overthrow government of Jose Figueres. Unsuccessful. 1954: SOUTH VIETNAM. Install government of Ngo Dinh Diem. Successful. 1954-1957: NORTH VIETNAM. CIA officer Edward Lansdale spends four years trying to overthrow the communist government of North Vietnam. Unsuccessful. During this period he was active in the training of the Vietnamese National Army (VNA), organizing the Caodaist militias under Trình Minh Thế in an attempt to bolster the VNA, a propaganda campaign encouraging Vietnams Catholics to move to the south as part of Operation Passage to Freedom, and spreading claims that North Vietnamese agents were making attacks in South Vietnam. 1954: WEST GERMANY. Arrange abduction and discreditation of West German intelligence chief Otto John, and replace with Reinhard Gehlen. Successful. 1954: GUATEMALA. Overthrow government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman and replace with Carlos Castillo Armas. Successful. 1955: CHINA. Assassinate Zhou Enlai en route to Bandung Conference. Unsuccessful. 1956: HUNGARY. Financial and military assistance to organize and support a Hungarian resistance movement, and broad propaganda campaign to encourage it. Unsuccessful. 1956: CUBA. Establish anti-Communist police force, Buro de Represion Actividades Communistas (BRAC) under Batista regime. Successful. 1956: EGYPT. Overthrow Nasser government. Unsuccessful. 1956: SYRIA. Overthrow Ghazzi government. Aborted by Israeli invasion of Egypt. 1956-1957: JORDAN. Average of $750,000 annually in personal payments to King Hussein. According to United States government, payments ceased when disclosed in 1976. 1957: LEBANON. Financial assistance for the election of pro-American candidates to Lebanese Parliament. Successful. 1958: INDONESIA. Financial and military assistance, including B-26 bombers, for rebel forces attempting to overthrow Sukarno government. Unsuccessful. 1958-1961: TIBET. Infiltrate Tibetan guerrillas trained in United States to fight Chinese Communists. Unsuccessful. 1959: CAMBODIA. Assassinate Prince Norodum Shianouk. Unsuccessful. 1960: GUATEMALA. Military assistance, including the use of B-26 bombers for government of Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes to defeat rebel forces. Successful. 1960: ANGOLA. Financial and military assistance to rebel forces of Holden Roberto. Inconclusive. 1960: LAOS. Military assistance, including 400 United States Special Forces troops, to deny the Plain of Jars bad Mekong Basin to Pathet Lao. Inconclusive. 1961-1965: LAOS. Average of $300 million annually to recruit and maintain LArmee Clandestine of 35,000 Hmong and Meo tribesmen and 17,000 Thai mercenaries in support of government of Phoumi Nosavan to resist Pathet Lao. Successful 1961-1963: CUBA. Assassinate Fidel Castro. Six attempts in this period. Unsuccessful. 1961: CUBA. Train and support invasion force of Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro government, and assist their invasion at the Bay of Pigs. Cost: $62 million. Unsuccessful. 1961: ECUADOR. Overthrow government of Hose Velasco Ibarra. Successful. 1961: CONGO. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Successful. 1961: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination of Rafael Trujillo. Successful. 1961-1966: CUBA. Broad sabotage program, including terrorist attacks on coastal targets and bacteriological warfare, in effort to weaken Castro government. Unsuccessful. 1962: THAILAND. Brigade of 5,000 United States Marines to resist threat to Thai government from Pathet Lao. Successful. 1962-1964: BRITISH GUIANA. Organize labor strikes and riots to overthrow government of Cheddi Jagan. Successful. 1962-1964: BRAZIL. Organize campaign of labor strike and propaganda to overthrow government of Joao Goulart. Successful. 1963: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Overthrow government of Juan Bosch in military coup. Successful. 1963: SOUTH VIETNAM. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. Successful. 1963: ECUADOR. Overthrow government of Carlos Julio Arosemena. Successful. 1963-1984: EL SALVADOR. Organize ORDEN and ANSESAL domestic intelligence networks under direction of General Jose Alberto Medrano and Colonel Nicolas Carranza, and provide intelligence support and training in surveillance, interrogation and assassination techniques. Successful. 1963-1973: IRAQ. Financial and military assistance for Freedom Party of Mulla Mustafa al Barzani in effort to establish independent Kurdistan. Unsuccessful. 1964: CHILE. $20 million in assistance for Eduardo Frei to defeat Salvador Allende in Chilean elections.Successful. 1964: BRAZIL, GUATEMALA, URUGUAY, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Provide training in assassination and interrogation techniques for police and intelligence personnel. Inconclusive. 1964: CONGO. Financial and military assistance, including B-26 and T-28 aircraft, and American and exiled Cuban pilots, for Joseph Mobutu and Cyril Adoula, and later for Moise Tshombe in Katanga, to defeat rebel forces loyal to Lumumba. Successful. 1964-1967: SOUTH VIETNAM. Phoenix Program to eliminate Viet Cong political infrastructure through more than 20,000 assassinations. Infiltrated by Viet Cong and only partially successful. 1964-1971: NORTH VIETNAM. Sabotage and ambush missions under Operations Plan 34A by United States Special Forces and Nung tribesmen. Inconclusive. 1965-1971: LAOS. Under Operations Shining Brass and Prairie Fire, sabotage and ambush missions by United States Special Forces personnel and Nung and Meo tribesmen under General Bang Pao. Inconclusive. 1965: THAILAND. Recruit 17,000 mercenaries to support Laotian government of Phoumi Nosavan resisting Pathet Lao. Successful. 1965: PERU. Provide training in assassination and interrogation techniques for Peruvian police and intelligence personnel, similar to training given in Uruguay, Brazil and Dominican Republic, in effort to defeat resistance movement. Unsuccessful. 1965: INDONESIA. Organize campaign of propaganda to overthrow Sukarno government, and precipitate conditions leading to massacre of more than 500,000 members of Indonesian Communist Party, in order to eliminate opposition to new Suharto government. Successful. 1967: BOLIVIA. Assist government in capture of Ernesto Che Guevara. Successful. 1967: GREECE. Overthrow government of George Papandreou and install military government of Colonel George Papadopolous after abdication of King Constantine. Successful. 1967-1971: CAMBODIA. Under Projects Daniel Boone and Salem House, sabotage and ambush missions by United States Special Forces personnel and Meo tribesmen. Inconclusive. 1969-1970: CAMBODIA. Bombing campaign to crush Viet Cong sanctuaries in Cambodia. Unsuccessful. 1970: CAMBODIA. Overthrow government of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Successful. 1970-1973: CHILE. Campaign of assassinations, propaganda, labor strikes and demonstrations to overthrow government of Salvador Allende. Cost: $8,400,000. Successful. 1973-1978: AFGHANISTAN. Military and financial assistance to government of Mohammed Duad to resist rise to power of Noor Mohammed Taraki. Unsuccessful. 1975: PORTUGAL. Overthrow government of General Vasco dos Santos Goncalves. Successful. 1975: ANGOLA. Military assistance to forces of Holden Roberto and Jonas Savimbi to defeat forces of Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) during Angolan civil war, and prevent MPLA from forming new government. Unsuccessful. 1975: AUSTRALIA. Propaganda and political pressure to force dissolution of labor government of Gough Whitlam. Successful. 1976: JAMAICA. Military coup to overthrow government of Michael Manley. Unsuccessful. 1976-1984: ANGOLA. Financial and military assistance to forces of Jonas Savimbi to harass and destabilize Neto and succeeding governments. Inconclusive. 1979: IRAN. Install military government to replace Shah and resist growth of Moslem fundamentalism. Unsuccessful. 1979-1980: JAMAICA. Financial pressure to destabilize government of Michael Manley, and campaign propaganda and demonstrations to defeat it in elections. Successful. 1979: AFGHANISTAN. Military aid to rebel forces of Zia Nezri, Zia Khan Nassry, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Sayed Ahmed Gailani and conservative mullahs to overthrow government of Hafizullah Amin. Aborted by Soviet intervention and installation of new government. 1980-1984: AFGHANISTAN. Continuing military aid to same rebel groups to harass Soviet occupation forces and challenge legitimacy of government of Babrak Karmal. 1979: SEYCHELLES. Destabilize government of France Albert Rene. Successful. 1980: GRENADA. Mercenary coup to overthrow government of Maurice Bishop. Successful. 1980: DOMINICA. Financial support to Freedom Party of Eugenia Charles to defeat Oliver Seraphim in Dominican elections. Successful. 1980: GUYANA. Assassinate opposition leader Walter Rodney to consolidate power of government of Forbes Burnham. Successful. 1980-1984: NICARAGUA. Military assistance to Adolfo Colero Portocarrero, Alfonso Robelo, Alfonso Callejas, Fernando Chamorro Rappacioli, Eden Pasto.... 100s more WAKE UP ...= Its over, do not trust or believe a single word these phonies say ever again WEVE GOT A FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER ON OUR HANDS Be terrified to learn what is being kept secret from The People ..Read / go to None dare call it conspiracy (1971)+ Secrets of The Fed “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt” --John Adams Excerpt from America; Freedom to Fascism -Russo on his documentary snip [ In 1913 America was a free country. Then a band of powerful bankers achieved their fathers’ and grandfathers’ goal and America has never been the same. Woodrow Wilson was our President at the time. This band of banksters bribed senators to pass the Federal Reserve Act. The Act was passed on Christmas Eve (as many senators were with their families) and it was done without the required constitutional amendment. This is how the Federal Reserve Act came into being. These Banksters understood: whoever issued the money for America would control the Government. Our Government gave these Banksters their most important power, and now had to borrow money from them and pay interest to finance our Government. This was the most diabolical fraud ever perpetuated on the American people.] PRIVATIZING THE DOLLAR ...PRIVATE MONEY SCHEME, +INTEREST OF COURSE WHO OWNS THE FEDERAL RESERVE? [None Dare Call It a Conspiracy There has been much speculation about who owns the Federal Reserve Corporation. It has been one of the best kept secrets of the century, because the Federal Reserve Act Act of 1913 provided that the names of the owner banks be kept secret. However, R. E. McMaster publisher of the newsletter The Reaper, asked his Swiss banking contacts which banks hold the controlling stock in the Federal Reserve Corporation. The answer: Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam Lehman Brothers Bank of New York Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York Chase Manhattan Bank of New York Goldman Sachs Bank of New York. In The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve, Eustace Mullins indicates that, because the Federal Reserve Bank of New York sets interest rates and controls the daily supply and price of currency throughout the U.S., the owners of that bank are the real directors of the entire system. Mullins states: The shareholders of these banks which own the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are the people who have controlled our political and economic destinies since 1914. They are the Rothschilds, Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer), Israel Sieff, Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, and the J.P. Morgan interests. THEY PRINT IT - WE BORROW IT AND PAY THEM INTEREST An example of the process of currency creation and its conversion into peoples debt will aid our understanding. The Federal Government, having spent more than it has taken in exchange for the governments agreement to pay it back with interest. So Congress authorizes the Treasury Department to print $1 billion in U.S. Bonds, which are then delivered to the Federal Reserve bankers. (The bonds are a kind of IOU that bears interest.) The U.S. Treasury prints $1 billion in bank notes. The printing cost is about $20.62 per 1,000 bills - it costs the same irrespective of the denomination - the cost of printing a $1 note is about the same as for a $100 note: about .0206 cents. The Federal Reserve buys these bills from the U.S. Treasury, paying only for the printing costs. The bills are then exchanged at full face value for the bonds. The government uses the currency to pay its obligations. What are the results of this fantastic transaction? Well, the governments bills are paid all right, but the U.S. Government has now indebted the people to the Federal Reserve bankers for $1 billion plus interest. ] If you dont believe me about the BLACK OP list? It is available at --Results of the Hearings on CIA misdeeds, 1973 Church Committee Congressional enquiry no drone for me Obama, schizophrenic liar. Check the list out ..youll quickly get a reality of the extent of this other world of evilness and realize that they are all experts in their specialty field of Lying, cunning atrocities, setting up wars and mass murder -God knows theyve been at it long enough ..filthy ******, I have no doubt whatsoever that these depraved zcum done 9/11 WAKE UP / WISE UP RESEARCH 1962 CIA OPERATION NORTHWOODS -- similar to the 9/11 atrocities. Wiki snip;..[ One of the most fascinating aspects of Operation Northwoods involved the proposed hijacking of an American passenger plane. The JCS proposed that a real plane containing American passengers would be hijacked by friendly forces disguised as Cuban agents.The plane would drop down off the radar screen and be replaced by a pilotless aircraft, which would crash, purportedly killing all the passengers. Under the plan, the real passenger plane would be secretly flown back to the United States. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit perceived acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere Operation Northwoods proposals included hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated: The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere. Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and sent to the Secretary of Defense.... it was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy] 9/11 -THE DAY OF THE BUTCHER BUSH ET-AL BARBARIC MURDERS Old John Feather Merchant B-25 At 9:49 AM, Saturday, July 28, 1945 a B-25 bomber plunged into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building at close to 225 miles per hour -It did not disappear in a puff of smoke. Pictures exist of it clearly embedded in the building with the tail half of the B-25 protruding from the 79th floor.Occupants of the Empire State Building said The building swung like a pendulum for 30 seconds.. ..we had trouble keeping our feet under us as we ran for cover Nobody said anything like this at Ground Zero, 9/11 Estimate; Aluminum (shear mod 25) cannot shear structural steel (shear mod 70) at 500ft/sec in free space. A solid lead bullet has to travel 2-3000ft/sec to shear 1/4 mild steel,some different size bullets require faster speeds. KE=1/2 Mass *(Velocity squared) which means velocity is exponential. Solid steel in free space cant even penetrate structural steel at 1000ft/sec, yet people believe this HOAX -that somehow aluminum can accomplish such a feat. It has long been a mystery -what was the strange appendage or pod clearly visible hanging below the 2nd aircraft supposedly FLIGHT 175? Experts agree that It definitely was NOT a United Airlines plane or flight 175. What was the appendage or pod? Many may not easily believe this and think it a conspiracy theory. I assure you it is not, all anyone need do, is study the detail and facts. The appendage or pod was IN FACT incontrovertibly a photo-shop error on the part of the GRAND CANYON OF EVIL perpetrators which we were never meant to see. Remember the film Speed -they fooled Dennis into thinking the bus was still circulating the airport by quickly cutting and looping the film. It was trick photography. The truth is, the WASHINGTON CORPORATION OF AMERICA butchers used a similar 30 second cut and loop trick photography stunt to pull off the 9/11 World Trade Centre atrocities -The plane attacks we all saw were NOT PLANES at all -but some kind of silver spherical shaped missiles or technically advanced craft with smooth edges and approximately 19 feet tall by 35 feet wide In a highly co-ordinated attack THE PLANES WERE THEN PHOTO-SHOPPED ONTO THE SPHERICAL MISSILES IN ALMOST REAL TIME -AND BROADCAST WITHIN 30 SECONDS (+/-) -But in their haste and nerves the perpetrators f~cked up and what we see as an appendage or pod is in fact the protruding body of the real vehicle or missile --Eureka. It was this mystery craft/missile that fired the laser as it approached the final few feet before impact, to cut thru the construction steel. The Truth is as clear as daylight when you study in detail the real evidence, facts and motives of the money diseased CORPORATE psychos. It was all a massive EVIL MURDEROUS CON using smoke and mirrors -the purpose of which was to anger,provoke and foment the American people to war -to bulldoze the Middle East,Iraq,Syria, Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan,Iran, Afghanistan, then Africa by terrorizing with drones until they fight back = divide and conquer -the age old strategy of these cowardly murderous, genocidal, barbarians = achieves expansion of phonies magic-money +interest empire. Thousands of Americans were sacrificed on the phonies altar of evil =9/11. Wake up and get a reality on it and what is occurring. There were other spin off benefits too -such as covering the tracks of a few trillion dollars unaccounted for gone AWOL at the Pentagons CIA offices. Fortunately genuine original film of the WTC-2 HIT exists -before the phonies doctored the images -telling a completely different story. We got the evidence which clearly shows a round silver object approaching -no aircraft in sight...THE TRUTH IS OUT. Study the video evidence. The same video footage is recorded on thousands of VCRs belonging to all who recorded that particular live transmission.(there were several channels) The forensic analysis of the LIVE TV images leaves no room for doubt : they do NOT depict authentic imagery nor real airplane crashes but turn out to be entirely doctored video sequences which effectively fooled the worldwide TV audience. Ever think it was weird the way the WTC 2 plane just gets swallowed up and the hole almost closes? Thats because it NEVER HAPPENED - what we did see was pure Hollywood photo-shop fiction transmitted after a 30 second delay after the pentagon /white house phonies mystery missile struck. The buildings were then demolished by controlled explosions. Watch the videos and be amazed to see their fake photo-shopped composite plane PASS STRAIGHT THROUGH WTC-2 in a 2nd screw-up and accidentally emerge out the opposite side of WTC 2 with its nose and fuselage still intact!!! ..also accidentally broadcast on their first 30 second delay and loop coverage -before they quickly re-doctored the video to rectify their revealing error. I realize this sounds way too incredible for many -is exactly what the unimaginably evil phonies and psychopaths who executed the 9/11 Black Op massacres calculated. They knew we would easily believe their substitute fairy tales bulls best lies about foreign terrorists attacking America etc. Take a quick scan through their BLACK OP list available at --Results of the Hearings on CIA misdeeds, 1973 Church Committee-- and youll quickly get a reality of the extent of this other world of evilness and realize that they are all experts in their specialty field of cunning atrocities and setting up wars and mass murder -theyve been at it long enough. “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt” --John Adams ..just add CORPORATIONS to Johns observations and youll see how it works. The phonies were able to buy up all the top big corps. youtube; The Rothschilds 500 TRILLION DOLLARS I used reverse engineering thinking. At first Fractional Reserve Banking was beyond the scope of my porky-lies credibility list -WHAT?? ..9:1 magic money mix -the loaning of fictional money at interest -naa -get-out-of-here -eg $1M deposits,they loan out $10M. When its repaid -they cancel the pretend money, but convert the interest earned on it into real money -and pocket /re-invest, to re-fleece us all over again =the main reason why they have so much money and the planet so fuced up. Evidence; Letter dated June 25 1863 written from London by the Rothschilds to their New York agents introducing their banking method into America, confided: The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests. The same ppl were able to set-up or buy the majority of world Corporations with the proceeds of their private banking 9:1 free-money racket schemes. Were talking all the railroads,power/oil companies,banks in America/World -owned by the same dynasties of cheaters, Rockefellers,Rothschilds ,Morgans,Shiffs,Warburgs etc. eg-The Roths also own controlling shares in Royal Dutch Shell and own/control the worlds gold market. Think of a game of monopoly, where in real life The Banker is playing and not telling any of the other players hes been dipping in the WHOLE time. And then have the nerve to demand tax on the fake money they created. The director of the Prussian Treasury wrote on a visit to London that Nathan Rothschild had as early as 1817: .. incredible influence upon all financial affairs here in London. It is widely stated.., that he entirely regulates the rate of exchange in the City. His power as a banker is enormous Austrian Prince Metternichs secretary wrote of the Rothschilds, as early as 1818, that: ..they are the richest people in Europe Referring to James Rothschild, the poet Heinrich Heine said: Money is the god of our times, and Rothschild is his prophet James Rothschild built his fabulous mansion, called Ferrieres 19 miles north-east of Paris. Wilhelm I, on first seeing it, exclaimed: Kings couldnt afford this. It could only belong to a Rothschild! Author Frederic Morton wrote that the Rothschilds had: conquered the World more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before... There is but one power in Europe and that is Rothschild.. ] Dumbfounding, isnt it? The Rothschilds English headquarters is the Bank of England -same building. I have personally been there when I did some work for banks in London. The Rothschilds have 40 palaces and mansions in Europe -8 in one English county, Buckingham-shire The money power preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed. - Abraham Lincoln Strange too the perfect free-fall demolitions of the twin towers which were more like vaporizations than demolitions -250 million tons should have created gigantic piles of rubble hundreds of feet tall? ..but no -puff the magic dragon -now you see it -now you dont and WTC building 7 -what happened there -decided to perfectly demolish itself out of sympathy? (lol) -All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident - Arthur Schopenhauer Philosopher, 1788-1860 youtube the evidence +truth revealed; 1) THIS IS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 100% TRUTH (PART 1) (15m) THIS IS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 100% TRUTH (PART 2) 3) Leaked Video of Cruise Missile Hitting Pentagon on 911 DOWNL (3m) 4) The Plan according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (1m) 5) Evidence that George W. Bush had advanced knowledge of 9-11 (3m) Listen to him lying -says he saw the FIRST plane hit the FIRST WTC on a TV set at the school and thought it was pilot error -The BIG LIE EXPOSED -There was NO LIVE TV TRANSMISSION OF WTC-1 attack -why would there be? ..lies,lies,lies 6) Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville Evil on an unimaginable scale is in power, manipulating and ruling Americans / World -Wake up The smart ones have it figured. 9/11 = to antagonize,provoke,foment and manipulate Americans to war by the treachery and mass murder on 911 -for the love of money, control, exploitation +expansion of phonies empire -rule the world with their fake 9:1 money mix at interest. They call it leverage and fractional reserve banking -the greatest fraud in history. FACT –The U.S. Corporate money powers own over 850 military bases around the planet. -$1.3Trillion a year business. bankers quote; - History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism. from the THE BANKERS’ MANIFESTO OF 1892
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:49:31 +0000

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