September 16, 2014, Day 17 of my organic Rainbow Juice Feast with - TopicsExpress


September 16, 2014, Day 17 of my organic Rainbow Juice Feast with an occasional all raw veggie salad and avocado at the end of the day. A few days ago I received a message from a high school friend who has been following my posts on juice fasting. He wrote, Suza, Im interested in your juice fast. Can you share your method? What juices and how do you prepare them? Thanks. I wont try to duplicate all the good information that is out there on various websites and YouTube but if you are new to juicing I suggest watching a video or reading one of these sites. Having said that, I will say again that I feel that once you have some basic background info under your belt, you have to be willing to do a bit of experimenting to find out what works for you. The essentials are 1) You need a good juicer--one that really extracts the juice and leaves the pulp dry as possible. I use a HURON Slow Juicer 2) Good tasting organically grown fruits and vegetables. If you are a novice, unless a seasoned juicy friend is mentoring you, I recommend starting out with juices that you already enjoy, but drink them fresh and raw, rather than pasteurized from a can, carton, or bottle. Start simple --make some fresh apple juice, throw in a lemon and an orange. I cut the apples very casually to a size that fits into the opening at top of juicer. I peel the lemon and orange and usually break any citrus into segments up by hand---the pits, white pulp ---everything goes in except thick peelings. Next thing is learn to make delicious fresh vegetable juice---first can be something like a few carrots and celery stalks--go easy on the celery at first. I dont peel the carrots--just lop off the top and bottom. I cut carrot to size to fit into the top of juicer. What you have to keep in mind is that after a few days your taste buds change. I love the combination of carrot, chard, cucumber, and beet and carrot, kale, cucumber, and beet, or other green like spinach, or just plain carrot and celery ---(with more celery than carrot as my taste buds start liking the greens) but when I mixed too many greens at once like celery, kale, and chard during the first week of this juice feast/fast it tasted awful and I ended up giving it to my geraniums. (I will try it again sans the overpowering celery) Usually by this time (Day 17) my taste buds start loving the green juices more but with this heat wave were in and watermelon still in season have been filling jars and bottles with watermelon juice (including most of the white rind) with lemons off a friends tree and wonderful tree ripened oranges--a great mixture to sip when working in the heat. Am careful to alternate these fruity drinks with plain water (or you can add water). As I mentioned in earlier posts, in part due to the extreme heat, after Day Ten I began having a salad at end of the day, made by cutting and grating the same vegetables that I juice plus the addition of other veggies like jicama, zuccini, --both cut and grated, and fresh picked tomatoes. And Im craving handfuls of spinach in these salads. I never knew spinach could taste so good! You know your taste buds have changed when a piece of jicama, a red bell pepper, or an avocado (high quality protein) with a dash of Bragg Liquid Aminos seasoning, tastes divine! usa.hurom/
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:05:21 +0000

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