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Country Outfitter Justin Boots Giveaway! countryoutfitter/giveaway ↑Click The Image Above To Enter The Giveaway↑ Like · · Share · 6 · · Sponsored · FACEBOOK FEEDBACK How interesting is this story to you? Options Wm Frank Henderson shared AARP Black Communitys photo. � Supports �! >> We are offering a 30% membership discount for veterans, their families and anyone interested in joining or renewing an AARP membership from Nov. 8 through Nov. 15, 2013. ....And we will donate 10% of the membership dues from this special offer to support � Warrior and Family Care Programs. � � � #Veterans � Supports �! >> We are offering a 30% membership discount for veterans, their... See More Like · · Share · 7 minutes ago · Jim Strohl Options Ed Rynearson president obama wants to make all of us healthy with his new plan but the mean racist republicans keep trying to stop him because they cant stand the fact that i am a horse Like · · Share · 3 minutes ago · 2 people like this. Wafa Love liquid out of my nose! a few seconds ago · Like · 1 Jim Strohl Options Mozafar Najafi and Abbas Falasteen Hamideh shared a link. Gaza Writes Back, paperback justworldbooks Just World Books: Timely Books for Changing Times Share Options Mozafar Najafi via Abbas Falasteen Hamideh Like · 1 · 20 minutes ago · Options Abbas Falasteen Hamideh Please share widely: Gaza Writes Back is available now for pre-order justworldbooks/gaza-writes-back/ #GazaWritesBack Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Palestine, edited by Refaat Alareer is a compelling collection of short stories from fifteen young writers in Gaza, members of a generation that has suffered immensely under Israel’s siege and blockade. Via Yousef Al-Helou Like · · 831 · 34 minutes ago via mobile · Options Mozafar Najafi Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish By Kevin MacDonald A topic that is not discussed enough is the screaming, in-your-face, hostile aggression that people must withstand when they dare to trample on Jewish sensibilities.... Continue Reading Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish By Kevin MacDonald A topic that is not discussed enough is the screaming, in-your-face, hostile aggression that people must withstand when they dare to trample on Jewish sensibilities. We are not talking about the sophisticated rationalization one sees in the op-ed pages of the mainstream media, or even the smear techniques of organizations like the ADL or the SPLC. We are talking about interpersonal aggression. There is something absolutely primal about it. Now comes a refreshingly frank blog post by Karin Friedemann, an ethnically Jewish anti-Zionist. She notes the violent intolerance that defenders of Israel show towards people with different opinions. American Jews are actually being trained since childhood to interact with non-Jews in a deceitful and arrogant manner, in coordination with each other, to emotionally destroy non-Jews and Israel critics in addition to wrecking their careers and interfering with their social relationships. This is actually deliberate, wicked, planned behavior motivated by a narcissistic self-righteous fury. ... The problem is that non-Jews are taught through emotional pressure and violence via the media and the school system to be very sensitive to Jewish suffering so when a Zionist becomes outraged at them for challenging their world view, the non-Jew really has to fight against his own inner self in a huge battle against his inner Jew making him feel inadequate and intimidated. But the Jew doesnt care how much he or she hurts others. Jews only care about whats good for the Jews. ... I once reduced a 50 year old man to hysterical sobbing tears because I told him gently and lovingly that Jews were not that unique. I just told him the Jews, like everyone else, have had good times and bad times. Times when they were slaughtered and other times when they slaughtered others. Just like everyone else. Guess what he did next. He emotionally abused me in an insulting way and then cut off all further communication. Jewish behavior is so predictable that its truly scary. ... If you mention cutting off the money or if you mention the possible compromise of living with Palestinians as equals in one state they become very angry and start using bullying tactics, unless they have some reason to fear you, in which case they shun you and complain about you to the authorities, try to get you arrested or try and destroy your career or social status through character assassination. ... Zionists all believe in the myth of 1000 years of Jewish suffering and feel that the world owes them compensation for their ancestors unique suffering. Its a criminally insane viewpoint. They cope with the contradictions between their belief that they are the good guys and what Jews are actually doing to their neighbors, both in the Middle East and in the US, by developing mental health issues. Most Zionists are functional schizophrenics. My take: - These tactics are not restricted to critics of Zionism. As one who has experienced a barrage of hostile email from my faculty colleagues, I can certainly attest to this. A correspondent sent me the following recently: I have encountered many liberal, politically correct Jews who react vociferously (almost violently) to the most innocuous comments about any topic related to Israel or Jews. One Jew upon my mentioning that my wife and I had been to Russia spent several minutes virtually frothing at the mouth about Russians. Another upon hearing me say I was sympathetic to the problems of the Palestinians demanded to know who I was and how dare I say such a thing. Often zero tolerance for any difference in opinion. - The media constantly present images of Jewish sufferingmost recently the endless glut of Holocaust movies. But the media ignore instances, such as the early decades of the USSR and now in Greater Israel, where Jews have inflicted horrible suffering. Right now I am reading E. Michael Jones The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Effect on History. It is striking to read his account of Jewish violence against non-Jews in the ancient world, particularly the persecution of Christians whenever Jews had the power to do so. Long before Christians had any influence on Roman policy, Christians complaints about Jews were not stereotypes based on historical memory but resulted from direct experience with Jews: Origen understood that Jewish calumny helped to cause Christian persecution, and that Jewish hatred was a fact of life for the Christians, continuing unabated after the repeated defeats of Messianic politics (i.e., the defeats of Jewish rebels at the hands of the Romans in 70 and 135 ad) (p. 69). This is the basis of my concern on what will happen to whites when Jews become part of a hostile elite in white-minority America. - Non-Jews absorb these media images and as a result feel inadequate, emotionally intimidated. Eventually they identify with the aggressor, much like a browbeaten hostage or, as Friedemann suggests, an abused spouse. Or they maintain their friendships but studiously avoid talking about anything related to Israel. Non-Jews do the bidding of their inner Jew because they have internalized images of Jewish suffering. They therefore aid and abet Jewish brutality and aggression. Non-Jews who persist in criticizing the organized Jewish community are threatened with loss of livelihood and social ostracism. As I noted in a previous article the organized Jewish community does not believe in free speech. It is important to keep in mind that when Jews were dominant in the first decades of the Soviet Union, the government controlled the media, anti-Semitism was outlawed, and there was mass murder of Christians and the destruction of Christian churches and religious institutions. As Friedemann notes, the situation is nothing less than a sign of serious mental health issues for the mainstream Jewish community: Most Zionists are functional schizophrenics. I think this is what happens when people who deal with Jewish issues finally realize that there is no hope for dialogue and begin to think of what to do next. Honest people finally realize that when it comes to critical issues like Israel and multicultural America, the divisions among Jews are an illusion. (Friedemann herself has renounced her Jewish identity.) As Friedemanns husband, Joachim Martillo, notes, Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have no choice but to renounce being Jewish and serve the anti-Zionist struggle (right now). Exhibit A for this right now is the murderous Israeli invasion of Gaza. We know (see, for example, John Mearsheimer s article in The American Conservative) that this invasion occurred after a prolonged period when Israel restricted supplies into Gaza and then attacked tunnels between Gaza and Egypt. We know that the invasion was designed to to inflict massive pain on the Palestinians so that they come to accept the fact that they are a defeated people and that Israel will be largely responsible for controlling their future. The tone of Mearsheimers article suggests a dramatic shift in attitude where the usual inhibitions on public discourse are finally beginning to fall, even for a respected academic: There is ... little chance that people around the world who follow the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will soon forget the appalling punishment that Israel is meting out in Gaza. ... [D]iscourse about this longstanding conflict has undergone a sea change in the West in recent years, and many of us who were once wholly sympathetic to Israel now see that the Israelis are the victimizers and the Palestinians are the victims. The gloves are coming off. This is what happens when smart and honest people who work hard to get the scholarship right are nevertheless smeared as anti-Semites guilty of the vilest misdeeds. Not surprisingly, Abe Foxman - a premier defender of the racial Zionist status quo in Israel - devoted an entire book to smearing Mearsheimer and Walt. Quite simply, there is no point to talking to such people or taking seriously what they say about us. We know that the government of Israel is firmly in the hands of the racial Zionists followers of Vladimir Jabotinsky and his view of the racial distinctiveness and superiority of the Jewish people. Indeed, the only question in the Israeli election is which brand of racial Zionism will form the next government. One knows that racial Zionism has completely won the day in Israel when Kadima - the party of Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and the Gaza invasion - is now described by Benjamin Netanyahu as the party of the left. (The LA Times dutifully calls it centrist but, as Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery writes, Livni cries to high heaven against any dialogue with Hamas. She objects to a mutually agreed cease-fire. She tries to compete with Netanyahu and [Avignor] Liberman with unbridled nationalist messages.) Indeed, Netanyahus only worry is that the openly racist Liberman a disciple of the notorious Meir Kehane - will take away too many votes from Likud. The situation is analogous to a US election where Pat Buchanan is the candidate of the far left. (I can dream.) Avnery analogizes the election to a joke where a sergeant tells his men: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you are going to change your dirty socks. The bad news is that you are going to exchange them among yourselves. Once again we see at work the general principle that within the Jewish community, the most extreme elements carry the day and pull the rest of the Jewish community with them. As I noted in Zionism and the Internal Dynamics of Judaism, over time, the more militant, expansionist Zionists (the Jabotinskyists, the Likud Party, fundamentalists, and West Bank settlers) have won the day and have continued to push for territorial expansion within Israel. This has led to conflicts with Palestinians and a widespread belief among Jews that Israel itself is threatened. The result has been a heightened group consciousness among Jews and ultimately support for Zionist extremism among the entire organized American Jewish community. The fanatics keep pushing the envelop, forcing other Jews to either go along with their agenda or cease being part of the Jewish community. Ominously, if elected, Netanyahu promises that a top priority will be harnessing the U.S. administration to stop the threat of Irans nuclear program. Incidentally, E. Michael Jones (The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Effect on History, p. 42ff) has expanded this argument to the ancient world. He shows how the Jewish community was pulled in the direction of fanaticism by the Zealots who expelled the followers of Jesus from the synagogue and adopted a disastrous path of revolution against Rome, leading ultimately to the defeats of 70 and 135 a.d. A good example of the schizophrenia described by Friedemann comes from the fact that around 80% of American Jews voted for Obama but around the same percentage blames Hamas for the escalation of violence and believes that the Israeli response was appropriate. These results of the poll on the Gaza invasion were proudly announced by Abraham Foxman of the ADL, an organization that is one of the principal forces in promoting a post-European America. The Jewish left is a pillar of multi-cultural America but strongly supports racial Zionism in Israel. This same schizophrenia was on display at a recent presentation at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles by Chris Hedges and Mark Potok - he of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The program dealt with the usual bogey-men of the organized Jewish community: Christian fundamentalists, skinheads, David Duke, and (I am gratified to report) The Occidental Quarterly. In a comment on the alliance between Christian conservatives and Zionists, an audience member mentioned (to stifled applause) that There are Jewish fascists. But the moderator, Ian Masters, saved the day when he stated that the vast majority of American Jews are secular and liberal - a comment that brought much applause, presumably because it reassured the many Jews in the audience that they werent like THOSE Jews. For his part, Potok, that stalwart warrior against white America, expressed his support for what he sees as a beleaguered Israel on the verge of apocalypse at the hands of the Arabs. Schizophrenia indeed. The politicians who are running Israel are, if anything, more racialist and nationalist than anything even remotely on the horizon in American or European politics. As Avnery notes: In every other country, Libermans program would be called fascist, without quotation marks. Nowhere in the Western world is there a large party that would dare to advance such a demand [to annul the citizenship of Arabs]. The neo-fascists in Switzerland and Holland want to expel foreigners, not to annul the citizenship of the native-born. ... When Joerg Haider was taken into the Austrian cabinet, Israel recalled its ambassador from Vienna in protest. But compared to Liberman, Haider was a raving liberal, and so is Jean-Marie le Pen. Now Netanyahu has announced that Liberman will be an important minister in his government, Livni has hinted that he will be in her government, too, and Barak has not excluded that possibility. The optimistic version says that Liberman will prove to be a passing curiosity. ... There is also a pessimistic version: Fascism has become a serious player in the Israeli public domain. The three main parties have now legitimized it. This phenomenon must be stopped before it is too late. So I have a suggestion for the Foxmans, the Potoks, the neoconservatives, and the secular Jewish liberals of the world: If you want to fight racism and ethnic nationalism, start in your own backyard. And my suggestion for the rest of us is to get rid of what Friedemann calls the inner Jew. I know its hard to do. But once you tune out the screaming hostility (and assuming you dont fear losing your job), its easy. Just dont expect a pleasant or rational conversation. Kevin MacDonald is a professor of psychology at California State UniversityLong Beach. Like · Share · about an hour ago · 3 people like this. Diego Ignacio Iturburu Excellent article 34 minutes ago · Like Options Team Palestina Syrian Refugees Migrate To Beirut To Escape Violence A woman and child who recently arrived from the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo pause in a makeshift camp in the Bekaa Valley, close to the border with Syria on November 11, 2013 in Majdal Anjar, Lebanon. As the war in neighboring Syria drags on for a third year, Lebanon, a country of only 4 million people, is now home to the largest number of Syrian refugees who have fled the conflict. The situation is beginning to put huge social and political strains on Lebanon as there is currently no end in sight to the war in Syria. Syrian Refugees Migrate To Beirut To Escape Violence A woman and child who recently arrived from the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo pause in a makeshift camp in the Bekaa Valley, close to the border with Syria on November 11, 2013 in Majdal Anjar, Lebanon. As the war in neighboring Syria drags on for a third year, Lebanon, a country of only 4 million people, is now home to the largest number of Syrian refugees who have fled the conflict. The situation is beginning to put huge social and political strains on Lebanon as there is currently no end in sight to the war in Syria. Like · · Share · 1511 · about an hour ago · Edited · · Options Wm Frank Henderson shared AARP Black Communitys photo. On this day in 1968, Shirley Chisholm was the first African-American woman elected to Congress Read more .... Her slogan was Fighting Shirley Chisholm--Unbought and Unbossed! On this day in 1968, Shirley Chisholm was the first African-American woman elected to Congress Read more .... Her slogan was Fighting Shirley Chisholm--Unbought and Unbossed! Like · · Share · 5 minutes ago · Jim Strohl Options Sista Selina Theres a pattern of stealing organs Atlanta Man Found Dead And Missing Organs In California Desert newsone A Georgia woman is searching for answers after her 24 year-old son was found dead in Death Valley, California with several of his internal organs missing. Iris Flowers son Ryan Singleton (pictured... Like · · Share · about an hour ago via mobile · Rima Isam Anabtawi and 7 others like this. 3 shares View 21 more comments Sakinah Rasheed its the work of devils in human bodies, yes, animals, but in human bodies. 19 minutes ago · Like · 2 Alexander Paul Newbury Yes. Djinn Maybe. Demons most definitely Police gunman told me to ignore paedophiles’, says ex-child protection officer | UK | News |... A FORMER child protection officer claimed last night a Special Branch detective ... See More 6 minutes ago · Like Alexander Paul Newbury Vampires. 5 minutes ago · Like Alexander Paul Newbury Rich feed on the poor. British royalty dined on human flesh (but dont worry it was 300 years ago) It will come as quite a surprise to Prince Williams new wife, but some of his r... See More 3 minutes ago · Like Jim Strohl Options Adam Atuck Tucker Ugggghhhhhhhh Unlike · · Share · about an hour ago via mobile · You and 6 others like this. Chaz Pozzi RUN! about an hour ago via mobile · Like Adam Atuck Tucker Dude I het tomorrow will be 70º and sunny 40 minutes ago via mobile · Like Jim Strohl Options Wm Frank Henderson via Norma Conley Freedom Isnt Free! youtube *NOTE: Download instructions below! I want to share with everyone this awesome video I found in the public domain. It does a fantastic job of illustrating th... Like · · Share · 25 minutes ago · Jim Strohl Options David Mudcat Calderón Morgan Freeman: In 1955, he graduated from Broad Street, but turned down a partial drama scholarship from Jackson State University, opting instead to serve as a radar technician in the United States Air Force.[8] - wikipedia Morgan Freeman: In 1955, he graduated from Broad Street, but turned down a partial drama scholarship from Jackson State University, opting instead to serve as a radar technician in the United States Air Force.[8] - wikipedia Like · · Share · about an hour ago · 9 people like this. 3 shares Jim Strohl Options Mariam George commented on her own photo. Options Mariam George Like · · Share · August 11 at 6:21pm · Majdi Khalaf-Alquds, Mariam George, Robert Awwad and 154 others like this. 4 of 53 View previous comments Feras Alhatti Awww is that ur grandson? 53 minutes ago · Like · 1 Mariam George No Feras, my comment is above dear 50 minutes ago · Like Feras Alhatti Wow, hes adorable!! ^^ 48 minutes ago · Like Pablo Honey priceless.... yum nyum... 40 minutes ago · Like Jim Strohl Options Ed Rynearson praying and $3.50 will buy you a Venti Coffee at Starbucks Japan Expert: “All I can do is pray nothing goes wrong” at Fukushima Unit 4; Concern abotu... enenews [...] In the next 10 days [Tepco] is set to start the delicate and risky task of using a crane to remove the fuel assemblies from the pool, a critical step in a long decommissioning process that has already had serious setbacks. Just 36 men will carry out the tense operation [...] A separate team wi... Like · · Share · about an hour ago · Edited · Sophia Barta Di Albufera likes this. Ed Rynearson used to be a nickle for a cup of coffee > watch Zeitgeist Addendum on Netflix to find out why that is about an hour ago · Like John Cameron Walker-Inc how much for a group prayer? 53 minutes ago · Like Jim Strohl Options Translators for Palestine When injustice becomes law.. #Resistance becomes a DUTY! When injustice becomes law.. #Resistance becomes a DUTY! Like · · Share · 122 · about an hour ago · · Options Jimi Alternativeresearch Dee its not about attention. its not about who likes you. >>> its about real information getting through.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 03:39:01 +0000

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