Sharing -- to all the beautiful ones here. -- a msg from Granny, - TopicsExpress


Sharing -- to all the beautiful ones here. -- a msg from Granny, a matriarch Orca whale in the Salish Sea (thought to have been born in 1911), from a woman named Mary J. Getten, who has been communicating with Granny for some years and has a book out about their communications - and Grannys msgs. --- June 5, 2014 MG: Hi Granny, how are you doing? Granny: I am fine, doing well. MG: I saw some photos of you in the islands this week. In one you were breaching! You can still do that? Granny: Yes of course. Even though I am old, I am not feeble. Orcas do not age like humans – we are vital until we are not, and then it usually is a fairly swift process until we leave our body behind. MG: There was a ceremony on Orcas last weekend where they built a medicine wheel and said prayers and did blessings for the waters of the Salish Sea and all water. Were you aware of that and did you or the whales participate? Granny: We were aware of this and sent our energy from afar. We were not in the area at the time, but as we were spoken about, it drew my attention and I tuned in to see what was happening. I observed a bright energy field moving out in all directions and penetrating into the water. It was filled with light and love. I was pleased to see this vision and looked forward to seeing how the waters felt when we returned, just a few days later. The waters are feeling more vibrant and we thank everyone who helped in this effort. We have been celebrating this lovely energy field in the islands. Please continue to do this daily from wherever you are. It really does make a difference. MG: Granny, tomorrow I am starting the global meditation movement that you suggested, to get people to send love and healing to the waters of the planet every day, even if just for a few minutes. We will start with a 30-minute meditation tomorrow on an International phone call. Is there something you would like me to say to these people? Granny: Thank you for joining your hearts and energy fields to create a new vision on this planet. The whales and dolphins have been doing all we can to clean and clear the waters, but we need your help – we cannot do it alone. Every thought, every prayer, every blessing and every intention DOES make a difference. Hold the vision in your heart of clean, vibrant, healthy and full of life waters. See them sparkling in every corner of the world, for as the ocean sparkles, these waves of light and love spread across the land. Everything is connected and as you influence one it affects another. So focus your healing energies upon the waters and as the water evaporates and moves over the land, it returns as rain and you will be raining blessings on the land and all it’s creatures, including you. You will be adding your healing energy to every square inch of this planet. Love is the greatest power in this dimension. Use it to clean and heal everything that is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Use your power for good and good will find you. We are grateful for your help and your love. Blessings to all of you from the whales, dolphins and all cetaceans.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:35:56 +0000

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