Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? I was in the exact same - TopicsExpress


Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? I was in the exact same spot a couple years ago. I felt like I was stuck in a bad dream and didnt recognize the person I had become. It wasnt until my sister had sent me a picture from Christmas of 2012 that I truly saw where I had let myself get to. I was so self conscious and was at a point that I didnt even want my husband to hug me in fear that he would feel how fat I was. After I saw the picture I knew I needed to do something, what that was I wasnt sure. But I knew it was time for a change! At this point I was still chasing skinny. I was obsessed with the scale and let the number on the scale determine my worth....if I could just weigh this, then I would feel better. God was listening! He brought people into my life that would help me along on my journey to true happiness. I was introduced to Isagenix, clean eating and self empowerment. These were all scary to me since I had tried several diets before with short term results but nothing I could stick with for the long term and to be honest I didnt have a clue what clean eating was all about! So with an amazing support system, a healthy nutritious lifestyle change and determination I decided it was time. I wasnt going to let myself or my family down anymore. I wasnt going to fail! Not every day was easy but it got easier. I started to live from intention rather than habit. Clean eating was easy and tasted better than I thought, the Isagenix products tasted good and simplified my life more than I ever couldve imagined, I was eating more food than I ever had in my whole life and the empowerment pieces made my soul come alive! This lifestyle change wasnt so bad after all ;) I realized that I needed to accept & FORGIVE myself for where I was at both physically and mentally for letting things get out of hand. Once I accepted it and stopped fixating on the number on the scale a whole new world opened up. I felt better, had more energy, loved hugs from my husband and was confident in the person I was becoming. I did lose weight but I also learned that wellness is not just wellness of the body, but wellness of your complete self. I stopped living the way society tells us we should and started taking care of me first and then everyone else. I know that may be difficult for some to understand but when I started taking care of me, I became a better wife, mom, friend, daycare provider, and competitor. I was truly happy! Taking care of everyone else first and whatever was left for me wasnt working. Now this doesnt mean that I spend hours away from my family to be by myself or go to the gym. What it means is that I scheduled a half hour every night to go down into my basement and do a half hour workout video. Im not going to lie, some nights I really didnt want to, but I did it anyway. My oldest daughter would join me on occaision and it really gave me the drive to keep going. It made me realize that no matter what we are doing they are always watching to see what we are doing, not just listening to what we say. Eventually, my daughter joined me every night for a work out! Seeing her progress was amazing! When we love ourself enough we can make amazing things happen, we just have to BELIEVE! My whole family is on board and uses various Isagenix products. I say if they can get my husband to eat his fruit & veggies, they must be good! My kids 7 & 2 each have their favorites too! People ask me all the time what is Isagenix and how does it work...I thought this explained it perfectly!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:14:48 +0000

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