Since when does disagreement with someone over a practice or a - TopicsExpress


Since when does disagreement with someone over a practice or a behavior or even a belief or principle equate to not being acquainted, being friendly with, or loving someone? I dont *have* to like or agree with people over every single thing. That doesnt mean I dont love you, and that doesnt mean I am not your friend or acquaintance. Parents dont have to love every choice a child makes - they dont quit being parents. Children dont have to love every choice a parent makes - they dont stop being children. I dont have to love every choice my country makes, or my government - it doesnt make me any less American to disagree with that choice. I dont have to like or agree with YOUR politics, that doesnt mean I dont love YOU. I dont have to agree with your chosen belief structure or faith, or lack of one - that doesnt mean I dont love YOU and support your every right to do so. We, as humans, have *GOT* to stop separating ourselves and compartmentalizing ourselves and, yes, splintering our efforts. I have a lot of faith-based and political opinions, and part of the Michael K brand is faith-based and political/social consciousness-based. You will NEVER all agree with all of my opinions. Some will agree, some wont. If you agree with one, you might disagree with another. [Thats completely and totally okay.] Do you know why? Because it is ridiculous to think that everyone has to do everything *my* way. Thats madness and narcissistic grandiosity at its very, very, very worst. Be you, be yourself, have an opinion, debate me, and live your life - but dont assume I dont love you, want the best for you, or will throw you away because we dont agree.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:44:34 +0000

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