Singapore driver road rage in Malaysia. Heres the story: Five of - TopicsExpress


Singapore driver road rage in Malaysia. Heres the story: Five of my colleagues were in an Elantra on 20/10/2014 on the way back to their home in JB at 7:30pm. At the customs, a Toyota driver tried to cut into my colleagues lane dangerously and my colleague depressed his horn for safety reasons. The Toyota driver did not want to avoid an accident. However, my colleague did not want to create trouble and therefore allowed him to pass. Our colleague thought that the incident was over. While queuing for the police inspection on the Malaysian side after the tolls, He again attempted to cut into their lane from the slip road. My colleague was forced to the curb and was unable to give way anymore. He winded down his window and politely said to the driver Uncle, please let us pass. We have no more space on this side. The uncle replied Small boy, learn to be good boy. To avoid a collision, my colleague had to go first. And so he did. After the customs, he chased my colleagues down on the highway and jammed his brakes in the middle of the road, in front of my colleagues. He stopped on a highway lane. My colleague ignored him and swerved into the next lane and progressed. The driver chased again and stopped in the middle of the road again. This time, my colleague was unable to maneuver out of the situation. The driver got down, carrying a steering-wheel lock. He walked towards my colleagues vehicle and shouted Got guts come down and face me. and hit my colleagues side glass with the steering wheel lock. He looked very angry. As my colleague used re-enforced glass, it did not break. he proceeded to kick my colleagues door. He did all this, while not one, not two but three pregnant ladies on-board the vehicle. Moreover, the side he hit was the side that one of my pregnant colleagues was in. He got tired and drove off. Ryan [SRD Community] more on sgreckless
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:46:41 +0000

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