Small Groups are a great place for fellowship, good eats, and - TopicsExpress


Small Groups are a great place for fellowship, good eats, and GREAT BIBLE STUDY. Tonight, we were blessed to be able to hear DR. DAVID JEREMIAH preach on THE RETUN OF THE KING FROM REV. 19:11-21 which closes out his series entitled WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON? Below, I have tried to capture just a tiny bit of what great news he shared with us: SECOND COMING VS. THE 1ST COMING 11/20/2013 11:09:32 PM Do you have a clear picture in your mind as to what the Bible speaks of with regard to “The First Coming” as compared to “The Second Coming?” I was blessed tonight in our Small Group to have Dr. David Jeremiah expound on these two treasures that are primarily spoken of in the last Book of the Bible – Revelation. Every day, as we read the newspapers, view the TV newscasts, we see very heavy evidence that the RAPTURE, which is also known as the First Coming of Christ is SOON to occur. Yes… yes… I heard it all of my life as well… THE FIRST CHRISTIANS thought surely that it would occur in their life terms. And so it went through the centuries until this very time in History. The Rapture or First Coming can become a reality any hour now… any day upcoming… Most Christians who spend time in their Bibles are highly anticipating this “best trip that anybody could ever hope to make”… being raptured up in the sky where Jesus has come back to collect His Church (all Christ believing and accepting folks). And then, there will be a SECOND COMING in 7 years after the Rapture where Christ will return to earth with all of His Saints and ALL of His angels. This time, He won’t stop in the sky… He will actually set his foot down in Jerusalem … and it is at this time that the Battle of Armageddon” will begin. Here are some interesting facts that Dr. Jeremiah shared with us tonight as he compared these “two returns” by our Lord: 1st COMING 2ND COMING *HE CAME TO BE OUR SAVIOR *THIS TIME HE RETURNS AS THE KING *SURROUNDED BY CATTLE *SURROUNDED BY HIS ARMIES OF AND COMMON PEOPLE. ANGELS AND SAINTS *DOOR OF THE INN WAS * DOOR OF HEAVEN IS OPENED CLOSED TO HIM FOR HIM *HIS VOICE: THE TINY CRY * VOICE LIKE THE SOUND OF MANY OF A BABY. WATERS. *LAMB OF GOD: BRINGING *LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH: SALVATION. BRINGING JUDGMENT. There are 333 prophecies that concern Christ; 109 fulfilled in His first coming; 224 yet to be fulfilled. Jesus Himself said 21 times that He was coming a second time (Zech. 14:4; Acts 1:11; Matt. 24:27, 29-30; Rev. 1:7; and Rev. 22:20) The overall thrust of these prophesies is to prompt us to recommit ourselves to our church brothers and sisters. As the world becomes more rabid and evil, we’re going to need the company and fellowship of our fellow believers more than ever before. THE ULTIMATE THRUST FROM THESE PROPHESIES is to reach out to the LOST FOR JESUS CHRIST (James 22-23). There are TWO GREAT FEASTS TALKED ABOUT in these scriptures: 1) The Feast of the Bridegroom; this is when Jesus holds a great banquet for all of His saints,; and 2) The Feast of God; this is where the birds of the air feeds on the bodies of millions of men of war who have come together with Satan to try and do the most stupid thing that has ever occurred in Planet Earth: to go up against the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, that same Creator who created Satan and gave him the choice of following the God of the Universe or rebelling against Him. That’s when Satan was banned to the earth and that’s why the atmosphere of the earth today is primed with a satanic spirit. God never created Hell for man; he created Hell to chain and bind Satan and his angels forever. YOU AND I can easily choose to attend that first banquet by simply accepting God’s only begotten Son – Jesus – as one’s personal savior. Why will anybody be so stupid as to reject this GREAT GIFT OF SALVATION that Jesus suffered and died to give one the opportunity to abide in Heaven with the Lord and His Saints? DR. DAVID JEREMIAH IS TRULY ONE OF OUR GREATEST BIBLE TEACHERS IN OUR LAND TODAY. I PERSONALLY ASK all of you to consider this an invitation to turn from your sinful ways and receive Christ as your PERSONAL SAVIOR before it is everlasting too later. I’m just say’n…
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 05:16:34 +0000

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