So. A bit ago I was in line for coffee at school. I ordered my - TopicsExpress


So. A bit ago I was in line for coffee at school. I ordered my drink, then let the next person order and I paid for theirs. Just as I was about to pay for mine, a marine in full dress steps up to pay for mine, the cashier is like Well, its Veterans Day, so all day current military is free drinks. So, I can put in two for free. She rings them through and he and I go stand to wait for them and start talking. In the course of the conversation, we realize not only do we hate the snow but both of us are originally from the south (WHERE ITS WARM!). We grab our drinks and walk and talk as we head down to the lower level. As were walking and talking we get to talking about our majors and such. Then, I ask how long hes been in for and hes like Ive done 3 tours and Im thinking to myself Holy crap, this guy has been through stuff. By now, weve reached the lower level and were just standing and talking for about 30ish minutes and he goes Well, I guess I should let you go. Thanks. and Im like Um, you paid for MY coffee... and hes like Yeah, but most people wouldnt 1. Pay for someone elses coffee like you did and be okay with the person in front of them not even saying thanks. and 2. listen to me yammer on and on for half an hour... So he goes over to the lunch theyre doing for service members and I sit over on the opposite side in my own little world with my headphones in working on a paper and eating chicken salad. A few minutes later theres a tap on my shoulder, I look up and hes back. This time with a plate of Chinese in his hand. So, Im pretty sure youre not going to take this plate from me, SO I ordered you food from the Chinese place. Go get it, then come back so I dont have to eat alone. At this point Im almost creeped out, but at the same time Im not going to argue. I grab my food and sit back down. Before I eat I bow my head and say a quick prayer, when I finish I look up and he goes whoa.. Most people dont do that. And Im like Yeah, Im not most people. and he goes Yeah, I know. For some reason that unnerved me a bit, but I didnt leave. We talked for a while longer as we ate and he started to talk about some of the places hed been and things hed done. He had to leave for class, so we walked out together and before he left, I asked if I could pray for him and he agreed. So as Im praying for him, he starts to cry. It wasnt anything special, just a God, thanks for ____, and the way he has blessed me today. I really needed a friend, and you sent him. kinda thing. Well, I say amen and look up and hes just in tears. I hug him and he doesnt let go. So were standing in the cold while hes just crying and Im like Ummm, God.... WHAT IS GOING ON?! Finally, hes okay and able to talk. Hes like Im sorry. I dont cry.. Sorry. Im like, Ummm, no problem... Whats up? And he goes Grace... Nobody has EVER prayed for me. Well, except this one chaplain in ____. And even then, you could tell: it was his job. He didnt care, really. Im like, Oh, wellll... Im glad I could be a first. and he goes No, you dont get it. This morning, I asked for a sign from somewhere. Anywhere. Something to show that it wasnt in vain. That Im worth something more than killing. That, I have a reason to live. Ive felt worthless since my gf left me my first tour. I was adopted, so that doesnt help. Im just all around messed up. I had planned on saying f*** life. I didnt want it anymore. Then, I bumped into you. And then you PRAYED for me. You said God, show him your love in a way that hes never seen before. YOU were that love, even before you prayed... I dont know if this makes me sound stupid or not, but I dont know much about God or Angels, but if you are one, youre pretty legit. Am I even allowed to say that about angels? Anyway, thank you. So much. For not hiding, for praying, for paying for that girls drink. For being as beautiful inside as you are out. I mean it. Thank you. By this point Im pretty much in tears (The cold doesnt help, but I dont mind.) and all I can say is Youre welcome... and make him PROMISE to call me, even if its just to talk. He heads over to the VA office to talk with them, and I head back to the union just blown away at how simply buying someone else a drink changed my day completely. Yesterday was a rough day, today, made up for it 110%...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:44:22 +0000

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