~ So.. Day after tomorrow, yours truly will truly be 45 years - TopicsExpress


~ So.. Day after tomorrow, yours truly will truly be 45 years old.. Its always a running joke with me to turn 29 again every year.. Thinking about a lot of things this morning, I realize I wouldnt go back to 29 even if I could.. Back then I honestly never counted my blessings every day like I do now.. I didnt realize that every single day with the people I love the most was truly a gift from God himself.. That the very things that I was taking for granted (living at the ballpark, getting ready for another school year, hugging my only child every day, helping with homework, talking to my Mama every day to get her advice, cooking, cleaning, laundry, Mama stuff) would someday be memories.. The absolute closest that I could be to my Nick or my Mama.. I had what most would call an ideal life .. Someone to kiss goodnight , people who depended on me.. People who loved me even when I was oblivious to the significance of their love.. Lessons learned : Dont ever take a single moment for granted.. Dont ever forget to thank God for your many blessings.. Love the people who love you back.. Spend every possible minute with your kids & the people who love you.. Regardless of the inconvenience or expense.. Work missed, money required, whatever. These are days that will be PRICELESS later in life.. Especially when those memories are the closest you can get to your kid or those loved ones.. Do whatever you need to do to never let a moment, a ball game , a swim competition, a band competition, a conversation with Mama, a night of he dreaded homework go to waste.. Live every single moment.. Love every single moment with the ones you love the most.. Those memories will hold you tight later, on the nights that your most loved ones can no longer be here to.. Every single day is a day to celebrate .. Dont let one go by without taking it all in and loving every moment.. Im so thankful that I didnt.. All 45 years .. No.. I wouldnt go back to 29.. Ive grown too much, learned so much, accomplished so much.. Hello 45!!! ❤ ~
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:50:42 +0000

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